B2B Prospecting


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
I am a new agent experience < 1 year. I am looking for your advise on approaching businesses. Quite frankly business is slow. no money to spend on mass junk mail. The way I see it I have 3 options.

1. Face to face going into businesses and talk to decision maker.

2. Cold Calling

3. Run away from the insurance industry.

I am leaning towards just walking into every business in the area. But would like the "experts" opinion on how to do this. best times of day etc... I know you guys out there have a lot of experience and knowledge how about sharing?

If you're in my region...please take #3.
If not...lots of 1 and 2.
Take a look at the "generating new business" thread
Is it my imagination or are half the new agents that come on here are from Alabama? I keep seeing these Alabama flags........

Maybe the Alabama flag is the generic flag you are given when signing up........it looks a lot like Florida's flag :1confused:

How long have you been doing the business?

Do you have a mentor? (good luck finding one from my experience)

What kind of insurance are you doing?
Alabama is an easy state to get licensed. All you need is a dog, a pickup truck and a gun and you are good to go.

Georgia does not require the gun, but in some parts of the state it would be a good idea.
I would get good on the phone.

Way, way more efficient, allows you to talk to many more people than you can cold walking. Plus you can get to the businesses that you can't "walk into'.

Agree. We use this same principle selling Final Expense over the phone with no wet sig. needed, we use a digital recorder. This is much more efficient than running around in the field working leads face 2 face.