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Wow...That site is ugly! But #3 for "Florida Health Insurance" and nice traffic.
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"If Chumps believes static html are better than WP, more power to him, he could be right for all I know, though I think he's wrong unless he has more to his position than what he's posted. "

I really know very little about the technical part. I just learn from you guys and spend a lot of time writing and it seems to work.
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oh i wasnt trying to educate chumps, hes been doing this longer than me and is quite successful. anyway this seems to be a discussion along the lines of whose pee pee is bigger, doesnt matter --nothing u can do to change it, it is what it is. If Chumps believes static html are better than WP, more power to him, he could be right for all I know, though I think he's wrong unless he has more to his position than what he's posted.

I wish I had more time. There are too many agents with no web presence because they don't have or want to cough up $500 to $800. And as we all know, that starts the bidding and the total bill always end up being more. Want a change? Email your webmaster. This also drives webmasters crazy.

They have no faint clue on how to set WP up or at least they'd have a nice web presence.
Wow...That site is ugly! But #3 for "Florida Health Insurance" and nice traffic.

u referring to this site: Florida Health Insurance is # 3 from my ip.

yeah but i got to believe he doesnt get as many leads, when u click on his quote link, it takes u to his other site, no quote engine or quote form thats pops out at u.

his bounce rate is prob up there. I heard he wanted about $1 mill, for one or all of his fla sites, if thats true, he def has dementia.

Look at this guy #3 or 4 for florida health insurance : Florida Health Insurance, ugly ass site.

and he's also #9 for the same term with another one of his bland white bread sites :Florida health insurance

I think he prob has issues with conversions, but hey he worked it.

You know what's easy to A B test? Conversion.

You know what you can't A B test? Traffic.

Once you have the traffic you figure conversion, you have to have traffic to even run the A B test to figure out why it doesn't convert.
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I wish I had more time. There are too many agents with no web presence because they don't have or want to cough up $500 to $800. And as we all know, that starts the bidding and the total bill always end up being more. Want a change? Email your webmaster. This also drives webmasters crazy.

They have no faint clue on how to set WP up or at least they'd have a nice web presence.

I did a webinar on how to install wordpress, gonna do several more showing how to modify the theme, make posts, make pages, etc as a series.

Just got behind because of AEP and other paying work, and haven't done the whole series yet.
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You know what's easy to A B test? Conversion.

You know what you can't A B test? Traffic.

Once you have the traffic you figure conversion, you have to have traffic to even run the A B test to figure out why it doesn't convert.

Yep, u gotta pay for it one way or another, PPC (google or surehits/brokersweb) or SEO (backlinks services/content).
ksigmtsu - For total noobs I recommending hosting accounts that have easy WP installs like HostGator or GoDaddy. It needs to be as simple as possible. You start telling agents about "cpanel" and "ftp clients" and it's over.
ksigmtsu - For total noobs I recommending hosting accounts that have easy WP installs like HostGator or GoDaddy. It needs to be as simple as possible. You start telling agents about "cpanel" and "ftp clients" and it's over.

Most hosts have something that does a wordpress install in cpanel that is 1 click.

No ftp or mysql setup or anything. You use your login and password for cpanel, then click fantastico and tell it to install wordpress, and the passwords you want, and it does it.

Its as easy as the godaddy click to install, in my opinion.

Also, and I'm going to say this really bluntly. If logging into cpanel is too complicated for you, you should hire someone to do it for you or not have a website.

Just make yourself a facebook page and be done.

You won't be able to deal with using the wordpress CMS system if you can't click the buttons on cpanel.

I wouldn't ever expect someone to be able to follow the 5 minute install instructions without pretty strong computer background. For a first timer that's likely a 2 hour install if they ever make it work.
I install, upload the theme and get it all set up. I'll get 'em all signed into ww...theirdomain/wp-admin and show them how to set up the menu, pages, posts, widgets, and some good plugins. I'll go over the basics of how to label and tag pages, etc...

Then they at least have a site and can upload their own content.

And for a bit or irony, it actually takes html to set up a good FB business page.
In closing also, I'd say that all the platform approaches to building html are valid. You could use pure html, use wordpress, joomla, drupal, yii, zend, php/mysql/html.. the platform is a tool.

Out of all the tools, html has 1 advantage in that it can be made to load faster, but all of the methods are valid. If I was trying to hit the hardest keyword in the whole country (I wouldn't by the way, I think it would be a waste of time) I'd be worried about the platform speed, but for the 99.99% of websites that aren't the hardest keyword ever all the platform based approaches are just fine.

To be fair I think you guys skipped the most important part.

If you want to build a website that ever gets traffic, step 1 is keyword research, step 2 is buying a domain, step 3 is building the site, step 4 is content.

99% of agent's mistake when they build a site is they skip step 1 and 2, then they jump strait to step 3 and then 4, but never do step 1.

Then they wonder why the site never makes money. Then they hire someone to fix it.

Redoing step 1 after step 3 and 4 is already done takes longer, and makes the whole thing more expensive, because usually by the time someone figures out they need help they've added a ton of content that needs to now be fixed or thrown in the trash.