Buying individual health "leads", Exclusive Internet vs. Aged Leads - Benepath vs. Lead Hustler

Its always important to have 24 hour accident coverage. I wouldn't want a 23 hour plan and have an accident during the uncovered hour.

Its more Fixed Indemnity crapola.....
imagine if your were on this plan....would you try to sue the agent that sold it to you.....
... If I did not really understand what I bought.. and most of our clients don't understand insurance no matter how well explained.. a lawsuit might be the lest of the agent's worries.. CUL has one of these plans but there is no way I would sell it.. :no:
Mine were around $3600 each with contrast..
Well then, you need to be a better consumer. I paid $600 at Smart Choice MRI and they gave me a $100 VISA gift card. They must have been wearing masks when they presented you with that bill. According to the Wall Street Journal (How to Bring the Price of Health Care Into the Open - There's a Big Push to Tell Patients What They'll Pay—Before They Decide on Treatment By Melinda Beck) ..."Make a few phone calls and you will quickly discover that the real cash price for an MRI is approximately the Medicare rate of $300-400; substantially below the network price in the example of $600" But yours was 6 times that so you must have gotten a better MRI. Or maybe you just got robbed. Our plan pays up to $52 for an MRI, with no deductible. But, you know better.
Well then, you need to be a better consumer. I paid $600 at Smart Choice MRI and they gave me a $100 VISA gift card. They must have been wearing masks when they presented you with that bill. According to the Wall Street Journal (How to Bring the Price of Health Care Into the Open - There's a Big Push to Tell Patients What They'll Pay—Before They Decide on Treatment By Melinda Beck) ..."Make a few phone calls and you will quickly discover that the real cash price for an MRI is approximately the Medicare rate of $300-400; substantially below the network price in the example of $600" But yours was 6 times that so you must have gotten a better MRI. Or maybe you just got robbed. Our plan pays up to $52 for an MRI, with no deductible. But, you know better.
When you are in the hospital with a heart attack or cancer you don't negotiate the services.
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Even if you add the Critical Care rider, how many times is it going to pay? I had 5 heart attacks and open heart surgery in 2006. In 2016, I had another heart attack with stent insertion... in 2011, I stage 4 throat cancer with the treatments I have already mentioned, all done as out patient.. How much do you think I would be in debt with that plan? :shocked::swoon:
Even if you add the Critical Care rider, how many times is it going to pay? I had 5 heart attacks and open heart surgery in 2006. In 2016, I had another heart attack with stent insertion... in 2011, I stage 4 throat cancer with the treatments I have already mentioned, all done as out patient.. How much do you think I would be in debt with that plan? :shocked::swoon:
Good grief man! Maybe Mother Nature is trying to tell you something. Take your huge subsidy, love your ObamaCare plan that the tax payers pay for, and enjoy the time you have left.