CA Commish Rumors


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And I trust his information

The Commission Guessing Game
By Phil Daigle on August 21, 2013 7:41 PM | No Comments
Question: Have IFP agent commissions been announced yet?

Answer: I get that question every day and it's time I deal with it. So here we go. They can't stall much longer. A highly placed spokesperson for one of the "Big 4" IFP carriers told me that they will announce IFP agent commissions within the next 10 days and their commission will be between 4% to 6% of premium with renewals at the same rate. We cannot assume, however, that all carrier commission rates will be the same. In fact, we could see some pretty dramatic variations in commission rates among carriers. I know this because, carriers had to include agent commissions in their DOI Rate Filings for 2014 and though they are not bound by the fillings, you can assume that's what they targeted in order to meet their MLR goal. The range among carriers is surprisingly wide: from a high of 7.6% of premium to a low of 2.5% of premium. By the way, I don't mean to imply that all carriers will pay on a percentage basis. We will probably see some carriers paying a flat fee per member per month. While IFP commissions used to be 4 times higher on average, selling will be a lot easier. Even so, agents may feel like the famous discount seller. When asked how he could afford to sell so cheap, he answered, "I lose money on every sale, but I make it up on volume".
We attended an event for one of the big players in CA and the presenter said that although the rates are not "locked and loaded" that they will be on a percentage basis and will be somewhere between 4% and 7% is what she has been told.

It was interesting that as soon as she got to the commission answer which came late in the Q & A portion, more than half the room got up and left the event (they were not looking very pleased either).
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Secure Health,

Yes. By all indications we have, commission is paid on premium, the whole premium, and nothing but the premium (i.e. extra taxes, fees, etc.)
That means if i sell an indy policy for 350 mth, gross com at 4% is about 160 bucks or $14 mth!

Thankfully, it's likely that the lowest commission, lowest priced policies will also have the smallest provider networks. Families who have a regular physician, or people who want a local hospital, or business people who travel, will be very particular about Network Composition and Flexibility.

The governor of Wisconsin said today that the Feds (who are running the Wi exchange) are keeping him in the dark on all the network and premium stuff. They're "negotiating" with carriers right up until the last possible moment.
"Wow" if you're living with Mom, not so if you have a family to support.

I was being facitous YA.

4% is going to severly hurt sales. Cant pay for gas to see a client with 14 bucks!

How r u going to advetise your services?