Captive vs Indy

Re: Only Reply if Earning Over 150k Please....or if your a Goat l

I made $14,700 in 2010 and will top $17 k this year.

It may not sound like much but here in Ohio, it's plenty for a family of four.

I'm tired of your bragging about how successful you are. Not everyone has 30 years of experience like you do.

You shouldn't have newer agents believing they can get to your level. They need to take things slow.

Re: Only Reply if Earning Over 150k Please....or if your a Goat l

I am on pace to make $24,000. It will be my best year yet. Now I can finally move my trailer to a permanent spot in a field behind my mom's house.

can you loan me $500.......I want to get some spinner rims for mine.....
Re: Only Reply if Earning Over 150k Please....or if your a Goat l

So you did good! I'm happy for you, have been reading your posts since I will hopefully be licensed in a few weeks and trying to decide whether to start with Med Supps or FE.

Please do tell!

The "smart" money is there for agents who sell Med Supps and cross sell FE.

My goats couldn't get on the internet so they sent me a text and asked me to respond for them.