Civil War? Nah!

There wasn't just one but 8. Yes, unsafe because of the weakness shown by the administration. If you show you are weak, the bullies will steal your lunch money every week. The real stain on humanity are those on the left but then you know that or else you would not accuse others of it. The true measure of what the left thinks is always what they accuse others of thinking or doing.

Riiiight. It’s Biden’s fault that Sudan has been in and out of civil war since the 1950’s. Like I said, yall aren’t serious people.
You really want a deep-dive of the geopolitical circumstances regarding each closure? Why don't you ask this of the people making the claims instead of blindly accepting the bullshit they give you.
Apparently he has a distinct fondness for Burma, Kabul, Belarus and Sudan? Family ties perhaps? :biggrin:
I'm not voting for a person, I'm voting for policy. This isn't a popularity, or who has the best personality, contest. I'm voting for what policy issues best align with my own interests, and the best interests of the country. Period. End of story. They could run a walnut and I'd still vote for it over that treasonous communist traitor Kamala. We only get two choices, and my choice will NEVER be that scum-sucking bimbo.

Dude, you're in a cult.

"Treasonous communist traitor Kamala" lol

Trump tries to steal the 2020 election by inciting a mob to march on the capital, has said he wants to be dictator on day one of his next administration.

Harris isn't the traitor.

And Harris nowhere has called for the state ownership of the means of production.

But MAGAidiots don't understand the difference between communism, socialism, and fascism because their low IQ lead Trump doesn't know the difference.
If Trump wins, dems riot in the streets across nation. Tell me I'm wrong.

And don't tell me about 1 street on Jan 6th that Pelosi refused to secure