Anyone sending AEP letters?


Super Genius
I'm sitting here going into my 2nd AEP realizing how every single MAPD plan I have on the books is looking worse...less benefits, higher costs. Im thinking of sending letters to all my MAPD people. Is anyone sending a blanket letter warning your clients about this? Anyone care to PM me theirs (obviously ill remove all branding/names and will make it my own.) I'm a terrible at this and don't want to sound too gloomy/get people worried and not sure how to word this. Thanks in advance if anyone decides to oblige!
I'm sitting here going into my 2nd AEP realizing how every single MAPD plan I have on the books is looking worse...less benefits, higher costs. Im thinking of sending letters to all my MAPD people. Is anyone sending a blanket letter warning your clients about this? Anyone care to PM me theirs (obviously ill remove all branding/names and will make it my own.) I'm a terrible at this and don't want to sound too gloomy/get people worried and not sure how to word this. Thanks in advance if anyone decides to oblige!
lol . You’re 3 plus weeks late sending letters . Starting Oct 1st you need to be on the phone from 8 am till 10 pm 7 days a week for 30 plus days talking to clients and moving them
I didn't know exactly what the plans looked like until the first looks, some of which just came out last week and I didn't want to just fearmonger when I didn't know for sure. Do you just assume what the plans will be for the following year and send those letters in August?
I didn't know exactly what the plans looked like until the first looks, some of which just came out last week and I didn't want to just fearmonger when I didn't know for sure. Do you just assume what the plans will be for the following year and send those letters in August?
DonP sends out his general gloom and doom letter each year with no specifics. Waste of money IMO.

Just send email to clients Oct 1st stating lots of changes, we need to talk, spent weeks reviewing plans, that's why you have me, call me or set appt using this link
DonP sends out his general gloom and doom letter each year with no specifics. Waste of money IMO.

Just send email to clients Oct 1st stating lots of changes, we need to talk, spent weeks reviewing plans, that's why you have me, call me or set appt using this link
You’re a joke . I send out a general letter changes coming and I’ll be In touch over next 4-6 weeks .
I didn't know exactly what the plans looked like until the first looks, some of which just came out last week and I didn't want to just fearmonger when I didn't know for sure. Do you just assume what the plans will be for the following year and send those letters in August?
I knew the plans would be trash . I send out a general letter . I really appreciate you and I’m honored to be your agent. Changes coming in 2025 . You’ll be getting tons of calls . Stay off the phone and fill no cards out . I’ve read many reports of people giving there Medicare # or ss # and getting there ss stolen . Asking for referrals. I’ll be in touch in the next 4-6 weeks to go over your plan . Please till this scope out and mail it back .