Cold Calling Door Knocking for Final Expense

She is a 6'2" stout young black lady... She is very sweet and charming. She bought leads for awhile and worked in inner city Chicago in low income high-rises from referrals. She may have cold knocked some I never asked her about that, I do know that most of her business was from referrals from low income complexes. Her referrals would take her from one to the next.

Her story is not a business model. It is something that worked for her by chance.

She is certainly to be admired.. She has found a plan that works for her.. And, most importantly, she works her plan.
What an asinine thing to say. If no one wants to talk to me about insurance than I never would make a sale, ever. I damn sure don't appreciate being called names because of the way I work. We all "bother people for our own gain". How many people that you mail to ask to be mailed beforehand? I'd say none. I hate getting grocery store ads, but I don't call their home office and belittle them for it. I get uplines calling me looking for agents, but I don't curse them for calling. We all get "bothered" by sales people all the time and if it never worked they wouldn't keep doing it. What ever works for that particular person is right for them and it's sure not subject to your approval. Do you sell leads? Does Fex? I don't know and I don't care. But perhaps this is your motivation for putting down those that don't buy them? I also wonder if it's just a coincidence that the two biggest "do it my way or you're dirt" members are both with Fex.

Throwing away junk mail or stop what you're doing to go answer the doorbell with some strange person on the stoop to run off. Varying degrees of "bother".

Your way is dirt if quality of life, and income, are the goals. If your goals are to glad hand and back slap and try to make new friends and that's working for you then it's not a dirt way of doing it.

I have a enough friends I don't need to sneak onto porches uninvited looking for more. :)

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What an asinine thing to say. If no one wants to talk to me about insurance than I never would make a sale, ever. I damn sure don't appreciate being called names because of the way I work. We all "bother people for our own gain". How many people that you mail to ask to be mailed beforehand? I'd say none. I hate getting grocery store ads, but I don't call their home office and belittle them for it. I get uplines calling me looking for agents, but I don't curse them for calling. We all get "bothered" by sales people all the time and if it never worked they wouldn't keep doing it. What ever works for that particular person is right for them and it's sure not subject to your approval.

Do you sell leads? Does Fex? I don't know and I don't care. But perhaps this is your motivation for putting down those that don't buy them? I also wonder if it's just a coincidence that the two biggest "do it my way or you're dirt" members are both with Fex.

Who are those two members that are with FEX that supposedly say what you accuse?
Hi, still new to Final Expense. Question about Cold Calling door knocking. I understand that leads are expensive and not always reliable. Has anyone had any luck just walking down a street and knocking on every door?

I had my first application filled out using this technique. Should I proceed with walking and knocking? Maybe I was just lucky.

This happened on the North Shore of Boston MA.


If you're not interested in buying leads, or can't afford them, or not willing to risk the money, then.......

Door knocking off of a list can be a highly effective way of getting in front of a lot of people each week. There is nothing wrong with old school, door to door. But when you have a targeted list with the prospects name, age, and address.... Free money baby!

I have a 60 year old Female agent that shows up at their door, shows them a blank direct mail lead card, and says something like....

"My office sent you a card like this and we never heard back from you. I'm the one that has to get you this free information about the AFFORDABLE State Regulated Final Expense programs that are available in this area. Do you think we can sit down for 5 minutes so that I can tell my manager that I did my job?"

She sells, not a lot, but enough for her!:yes:
Throwing away junk mail or stop what you're doing to go answer the doorbell with some strange person on the stoop to run off. Varying degrees of "bother".

Your way is dirt if quality of life, and income, are the goals. If your goals are to glad hand and back slap and try to make new friends and that's working for you then it's not a dirt way of doing it.

I have a enough friends I don't need to sneak onto porches uninvited looking for more. :)


My most prized "goal" is to be a good person and to not pass judgment on other people that act, think, or look differently than myself. Most of the world's problems could be fixed if people would not try to change how other people choose to live their lives. And I do not "sneak" onto porches. I hobble.
My most prized "goal" is to be a good person and to not pass judgment on other people that act, think, or look differently than myself. Most of the world's problems could be fixed if people would not try to change how other people choose to live their lives. And I do not "sneak" onto porches. I hobble.

Well, that may be true. But from reading your website you certainly come across as holier than thou and passing judgment.

Glass house??
They're world class procrastinators, however my calling does have its bounds. :)

It is a level of narcism that is unmeasurable that allows people to cold door knock and bother people for their own gain.

Leave money and goals out of the discussion. I'm talking about the creepy narcism that an agent must posse to impose on people because "they want to meet people".... This is addressed to agents who cold door knock... This is not your world and nobody wants to talk to you... you broke, cheap, door knocking friendless agent.


>> This is addressed to agents who cold door knock... This is not your world and nobody wants to talk to you... you broke, cheap, door knocking friendless agent.

I assume you include the people that dk people that do not answer the phone or voice-mail after sending in some post card that talks about social security benefits.

I do not dk or do DM but am not prick enough to call working agents broke, cheap, door knocking friendless agents.
Door knocking is a great way to make money and build up a book of business, just not for FE; which I believe is what OP asked about. I believe the advantages of door knocking don't really apply to FE.

I am no FEX sunshine pumper, but they literally show people how to make six figures a year, by learning a system. I bet if you viewed FEX has a training organization/college/tech school the per person/ per income results of their trainees/students would be among the highest in the world. It gets even more impressive when one factors in time.

I will always defend door knocking and cold calling because I know so many people making large sums of money doing it, but if one doesn't mind driving, and wants to focus solo on FE, DM is the easiest most effective way to do it for most agents.