- 2,627
You talked to 200 people?
Well according the the experts cold calling doesn't work, only DM leads, F2F
Today I cold called 200 people. 0 appointments. I did not use the script from the op. It was more like... Hi ______. My name is_________and I am the local insurance agent for Wilson County. I specialize in helping folks in the senior market who would like to have some additional life insurance coverage to pay for their final expenses, so to not burden their family. If this is of interest to you, I could stop by tomorrow to give you this free information along with a free quote?. I used a few other scripts that I had found on the forum, and online too but it just seemed like a lot of information to be giving them right when they answer the phone. In all, it was discouraging, but tomorrow is a new day. Most people said they already had that covered. One guy actually said, "Ma'am I don't plan on dying" and then proceeded to tell me that this conversation was a waste for both of us! It was hard not to laugh at that one. Waiting on my DM leads to come in is going to be the death of me!
Well according the the experts cold calling doesn't work, only DM leads, F2F