- 5,055
I'll buy two..
Bankers Life was in Florida when I bought these annuities. They moved to North Carolina because regulations allowed an insurance company to invest 40% of their funds in outside companies. I think most states limit this to 10%. Lundburg was trying to influence the insurance commissioner with contributions to increase this to a higher amount.
Wow- had never heard that part of the story. Absolutely criminal, but I bet he is still free
Lesson to agents not to chase best & highest rates if that brings along the added baggage of an B rated insurer or small carrier.
* Colorado Bankers Life https://cblife.com/?AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1#!
Not to be confused with Bankers Life. Bankers Life | Retirement and Income Solutions
Bankers Life of Florida is one of the many companies connected to Colorado Bankers in the Global Bankers & Eli Global network of carriers under ownership of Greg Lindberg