Columbian Agent Threatens Letter to DOI

Do your case notes showing justifications for the replacement and plan on writing yourself out of the charge back.

This stuff happens. My first one was $5,000 premium the guy had paid it for around a year then said the policy was never delivered. I was at convention so the manager actually delivered it. John Hancock refunded back over $5,000.00 over a year after the policy was issued. It happens.

Delivery reciepts....Even if the company does not require it I have them sign for delivery of reciept I draw up to include company name and policy number.
Delivery reciepts....Even if the company does not require it I have them sign for delivery of reciept I draw up to include company name and policy number.

Same here. This was back in the 80s things were different. It also happened right after I left JH so it cost me nothing. If I mail a policy, at a minimum, I priority with delivery confirmation and all goes in the file.

On the case notes. I have had my notes subpoenaed. It is all about CYA.
Same here. This was back in the 80s things were different. It also happened right after I left JH so it cost me nothing. If I mail a policy, at a minimum, I priority with delivery confirmation and all goes in the file.

On the case notes. I have had my notes subpoenaed. It is all about CYA.

Same here priority mail with delivery confirmation tracking number has policy # on it and my homemade delivery reciept with SASE back to me if the carrier does not have thier own.
Now this guy says that the whole Oxford policy is being thrown out and the Col. Policy is being reinstated and Oxford is supposedly going along with it.

His exact words were, "What you did is being undone with full agreement of the company you wrote the policy with."

Now I gotta call Oxford. Can they retroactively take back as earned commission?

Let us know what they say. Did they tell you not to replace a policy outside the window of contestability? What is their policy on replacing or your states policy. I wonder if that guy made up some lies to get them onboard. It wouldnt surprise me o man you ran into a lil bit of buzz saw here. The guy sounds dangerous like he wants to have your license yanked I would leave all these people the hell alone. :goofy:
Case notes subpoenaed ? For what type of litigation / disagreement?

The one I was talking about it was a death claim on a lapsed policy. Case notes and my phone records saved my bacon. The company still settled for about a third of the death benefit. I asked them why and they said cost analysis. Fortunately the company put my name on the waiver also.

CYA, because no one is as attached to it as you are.:1rolleyes: