Columbian Agent Threatens Letter to DOI

His name is Brent, didnt get a last name, but his phone # is 260-444-9511 out of Ft Wayne.

I'd say I'd get it from the replacement form, but somehow I doubt he'll fill one out.

Anybody wanna prank call him?:D:D:D

You could enter his number on a lead site. I'm sure he'd be happy to get some quotes on life, home and auto. Shoot, enter him into a few sweepstakes too...
The guy was a bit out of line and somewhat a DB BUT...someone mentioned something about why he is getting so upset when the policy is almost 2 years old? Probably because he is in this for the renewal and not the first commission? I'm surprised he tried to go and save and sounds like he did just that? It happens. It's aggravating when clients don't see the value in a cheaper, better plan but we all have been there...A LOT.

He's "conserving his business" and one can't fault him for that. That's what we are suppose to do so kudos to him.

But even if he does the old trick of writing out a letter...getting the client to sign it and send it to the'll get called down there...they will treat you as the scum of the suck it up and eventually they slap you on the wrist and tell you that if it happens again you'll get fined or worse. Why? To take it any further, they will need the full cooperation from the client and that won't happen. They don't want to get involved.

Here's a tip....go see the lady and be persistent. Eventually she'll get so annoyed she'll cancel yours AND his and you both lose.

But just make it in FE...a good agent doesn't sell life ins...they conserve what they've sold.
Just make sure you can justify the replacement and it is the same reason you put on the replacement form. The DOI would be hard pressed to find fault if you lowered premium or increased death benefit AND the client signed the replacement form. Every replacement form I have seen has the part about why the client should not replace and the client signed the form.

If it was me I would take the tack of explaining you just want to know what went wrong your always learning, yes you put money into the old policy and your going to put more into it in the future my solution did X and be done with it.
Just make sure you can justify the replacement and it is the same reason you put on the replacement form. The DOI would be hard pressed to find fault if you lowered premium or increased death benefit AND the client signed the replacement form. Every replacement form I have seen has the part about why the client should not replace and the client signed the form.

If it was me I would take the tack of explaining you just want to know what went wrong your always learning, yes you put money into the old policy and your going to put more into it in the future my solution did X and be done with it.

Welcome to Indiana! The Indiana forms don't ask for a reason why it's replaced. I've always thought that was a bad omission but they don't.
I was replaced over $1.20 a month.

The customer has the right to spend their money whereever they wish.

Just go find a new account to replace it.

Im sure down the road I will replace someone for $1.20

ps my policy was a 10 pay, his new policy is whole life with extra 2500 in in the end the person is going to pay more, if he lives longer than 10 yrs:swoon: