Congestive Heart Failure... level or graded?

Gotta disagree being that the voice of the company said what I just said. Oh, and the 4/5 clients they've approved level sa otherwise as well.
Gotta disagree being that the voice of the company said what I just said. Oh, and the 4/5 clients they've approved level sa otherwise as well.

I just talked to our Prosperity rep and asked about Nitro and Isosorbide and he said as long as 2 years+ and no change in dosage it would be ok. He could have been mistaken on the Isosorbide though.
Gotta disagree being that the voice of the company said what I just said. Oh, and the 4/5 clients they've approved level sa otherwise as well.

I mean I want you to be right, but their app says this:

"In the past 2 years, has the Proposed Insured been diagnosed or received treatment from a member of the medical profession, or other practitioner, or been hospitalized for any of the following: heart attack, angina (chest pain), congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy stroke, transient ischemic attack (TIA), or aneurysm or had heart or circulatory surgery?"

Someone with CHF could not say no to that question.

So tell me how does someone with Pros say no to that question when they do have CHF?
I mean I want you to be right, but their app says this:

"In the past 2 years, has the Proposed Insured been diagnosed or received treatment from a member of the medical profession, or other practitioner, or been hospitalized for any of the following: heart attack, angina (chest pain), congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy stroke, transient ischemic attack (TIA), or aneurysm or had heart or circulatory surgery?"

Someone with CHF could not say no to that question.

So tell me how does someone with Pros say no to that question when they do have CHF?

Just begging to be rescinded, and E&O not to pay as it was neither an error nor an omission, but a willful act.
Were just telling you how the company is teaching you to field UW the product. Feel free not to write it.
Were just telling you how the company is teaching you to field UW the product. Feel free not to write it.

I feel like I had this conversation with you before. If it wasn't you, I apologize. I'd want it in writing from the company.