Dave RamseyT


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
There was a thread about Ramsey a few weeks back. I am familiar with him and his philosophy (which is fine to a point).

I found his show locally a few days ago. He is more entertaining than I recall from years ago when I listened to him while driving around Nashville. I do like the fact that he makes people accountable for their decisions & actions. Not enough of that.

Don't agree totally with his debt free philosophy. My opinion is your home is the LAST thing you want to pay off. Accumulate wealth in other areas, not where you live.

Any way . . .

I went to his site & signed up for his newsletter for chuckles & grins. Then I decided to explore his CCT program.



That's how much he charges to become one of his minions teaching his course work.

So, how much does it cost to become an ELP?

Anyone know?
I have been an ELP for about 18 months. I have 2 territories that combined yield on average 25 leads per month. These leads are motivated buyers plus you have instant credability. Call the show and see if there is a territory available.
No way, and hey, I'm no groupie! Now that could tick one off! Contact me off line and I will give you the deal.
I checked with him on the ELP back when he had a station nearby. I don't remember exactly but I think it was around 250-350 a month.
There was a thread about Ramsey a few weeks back. I am familiar with him and his philosophy (which is fine to a point).

I found his show locally a few days ago. He is more entertaining than I recall from years ago when I listened to him while driving around Nashville. I do like the fact that he makes people accountable for their decisions & actions. Not enough of that.

Don't agree totally with his debt free philosophy. My opinion is your home is the LAST thing you want to pay off. Accumulate wealth in other areas, not where you live.

Any way . . .

I went to his site & signed up for his newsletter for chuckles & grins. Then I decided to explore his CCT program.



That's how much he charges to become one of his minions teaching his course work.

So, how much does it cost to become an ELP?

Anyone know?

I don't mind the stuff about paying off the mortgage. Where he loses me is when he says to carry around envelopes full of cash rather than your credit card. His theory is that people won't pay their card off each month so they may as well not even try. I haven't missed a month in 25 years.

He even recommends debit cards over credit cards...that ain't gonna happen! Give up free interest and protection in exchange for no protection and possibly overdrafting your checking account? Nope!

Everyone should try to live as debt-free as possible. But the rest of the stuff he says is VERY questionable.
Credit cards for some are like a shot of whiskey for an alcoholic

They don't know when to quit . . .

For those who can NOT control their spending, cut up the cards and go cash or debit card.

For most, the mortgage is the best loan you will ever get. Master Card, Visa , GMAC won't give you 30 years at 6% to pay off your loan. If someone is willing to lend you money for half your life at 6%, take it and hold on as long as you wish.

The folks who are bent on paying off their mortgage when other things are not secure (like LIQUID savings) are messed up.

Two things in life are not liquid. Your home & your 401(k).

The only way to get money out of your home is to borrow it or sell it.

If you borrow, you owe someone interest.

If you sell it, where will you live?

Taking money out of a 401(k) is just as bad. Taxes & penalties mean you have to borrow $10,000 to net $6,000 AND you have to pay back the $10,000 + interest.

Leave money in your home. Leverage your equity to buy more property if you can.

I want to refi so bad I can't stand it. We have enough equity to buy several rental properties and generate a significant monthly income.

Wifey won't agree so we are sitting on dead money. Bums me out.
While I'm not a big Ramsey fan even though he can be at times entertaining and yes interesting. Yet I have never heard him suggest carrying around envelopes full of cash, what he does suggest is the envelope system, pretty old school really. The envelope system is for casual spending such as eating out, you budget what you want to spend on eating out for the month and then place that money in an envelope at your home and when you go eat out you take that money (enough for the dinner) and when the envelope runs dry you don't eat out no more that month. While it may be a bit elementary, it is meant for people that have little spending control. Basically a sound system when it comes to learning dicispline over such matters, if one adheres to the system.

Plus I also support the idea of not using Credit Cards, esp. for those that have little control on their spending which is a hefty part of the population. In fact I have one credit card, not use except in cash emergency, outside of that we don't use any credit card. In fact, I have little use for credit card companies or the abhorent marketing they have done and continue to do and the havoc they have cause many people and families. While Ramsey and most others such as myself and I'm sure all here lay the blame to the end users, I find few that would defend the Credit Card Company for complicity in issueing unwise and unjustified credit.
Dave Ramsey is a hack! He knows how to motivate people to get out of debt, and sell them a "system" to do it.

I see that part of his message as a public service, and if his system helps people to gain control of their finances I hope he sells a lot!