Does Anyone Want Multiple Carriers to Work with

Talk about sticking a foot in the mouth.

Oops! Maybe this thread shouldn't have been started?

Then again, maybe it should.
Very good point Moonlight!

Do not trust anything a marketing company will tell you unless they will put it in writing on the front end.

It has been my experience that most marketing companies develop amnesia 6 months down the road........LOL
Hey Alex do you think your post has helped you or hurt you with your chances with people in this forum. Many of us have been on this board for some time and actually provide value to people before looking for gain for ourselves. The forum also has rules on posting of offers ie need to be in insurance offers section and need 100 post before posting offers..

The good news you will quickly get to the 100 posts with your useless responses to critizism of your company..

Best of Luck
in writing

2 emails from June 2, 2009:

Me: "Ok, thanks. So if I understand you correctly, if there is no debit balance involved, I will be released upon request for any reason or no reason at all. Is that correct?"

They: "Hello, No we don't have anything in writing or provide anything in writing.

Marketing Representative
Network Insurance
3523 Palm Harbor Blvd."
why would you want to?

I can't believe you just asked that question. You've got to be kidding. Since you asked that question, you must have started this thread as a joke. Right?

I strongly suggest that you get out of the fantasy world you are living in and join us who live and work in the "real world".
It's not about negative or positive. It's about the truth.

I think you're trying to change the subject. I'm assuming here, so if I'm wrong, I apologize.
Just Follow The Rules And There Will Be No Problem. Insurance Offers Go Into The Insurance Offers Section.
im sorry if you feel that way not sure if you guys are just trying to be rude or trying to protect others from somE expeirience you had with some one else ,i try to stay positive an open i assure you that if this IS what to expect from your forum i will stay far from negative people good luck and try to stay positive

When all else fails - and you've been exposed - accuse the other folks of being "negative".

Obfuscation at it's best!