Due to FMOs lawsuits, FMV gets lowered

You think these MAGA chuds care about facts?
Hilarious, coming from the party that thinks men can be women, women can be men, and men can give birth. Please tell me more about Democrat "facts." Moreover, nobody believes Trump doesn't lie, here and there. They're all politicians. They all have to lie. You think people can handle the 100% truth?? It comes with the territory. "hEeZ a LiAR." No shit, Sherlock. So is Biden, so is Harris, so is every other living breathing human being, on occasion. There's levels and nuance to things. Trump does tell it it like it is way more than the other scoundrels, however. We support his POLICIES, period. When is that finally gonna sink in the thick skulls of the Democrat Party?
Hilarious, coming from the party that thinks men can be women, women can be men, and men can give birth. Please tell me more about Democrat "facts." Moreover, nobody believes Trump doesn't lie, here and there. They're all politicians. They all have to lie. You think people can handle the 100% truth?? It comes with the territory. "hEeZ a LiAR." No shit, Sherlock. So is Biden, so is Harris, so is every other living breathing human being, on occasion. There's levels and nuance to things. Trump does tell it it like it is way more than the other scoundrels, however. We support his POLICIES, period. When is that finally gonna sink in the thick skulls of the Democrat Party?
I think most of Trumps "lies", are exaggerations. He never claimed to be arrested with Mandela.