E&O with non-comm PDP plans


New Member
There has been considerable discussion about doing the right thing and enrolling clients on PDP plans even if non-commissionable.
I was at a meeting last week and someone made the comment that our E&O would not respond to a claim when no commission was paid. I never thought about that. Any thoughts?
There has been considerable discussion about doing the right thing and enrolling clients on PDP plans even if non-commissionable.
I was at a meeting last week and someone made the comment that our E&O would not respond to a claim when no commission was paid. I never thought about that. Any thoughts?
If you're worried, give them the phone number for the carrier.

The carrier will be required to do a full presentation. Now it's their e&o
I’m not worried about it. Just curious on thoughts about it.
I only work on referrals and have already forewarned some people about their 2025 future.
There has been considerable discussion about doing the right thing and enrolling clients on PDP plans even if non-commissionable.
I was at a meeting last week and someone made the comment that our E&O would not respond to a claim when no commission was paid. I never thought about that. Any thoughts?

No EO insurance may be the perfect excuse when explaining to clients why you can't do the enrollment in wellcare for them .
There has been considerable discussion about doing the right thing and enrolling clients on PDP plans even if non-commissionable.
I was at a meeting last week and someone made the comment that our E&O would not respond to a claim when no commission was paid. I never thought about that. Any thoughts?
It's funny how we're expected to "do the right thing" and just be taken advantage of and work for free. I'm not "doing the right thing" and rewarding an evil company for unethical felonious behavior. So no, I definitely won't be "doing the right thing" and working as an unpaid slave.

WellCare obviously thinks we don't matter, so they can service them. I've just been telling people outright about what this company did, and if they'd like to stay with them, they're absolutely free to do so, but that means my service is unfortunately gone. I'll be happy to enroll them in a plan that still pays me a wage, if they still want my service.

That is the right thing to do. I'm open and honest with them. I didn't do this. I didn't cause this. And I cannot work for free. Even the thought of it is absolutely ridiculous..... to expect someone to service people and not be paid.

I'm not a charity, and I have very real bills to pay.....that if not paid, will find me on the street, begging for money. All I do is give these people the number to CMS and WellCare, to call and lobby on their own behalf, and our behalf, if they still want our help.

Other than that, there's nothing I can do. I've taken enough ridiculous bullshit in this industry. I'm not taking anymore.
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Totally agree Insuranceguy29 !

In the past, I helped the random referral on a plan that I did not get paid commission for but going forward that will not happen. I have already had several clients say they don’t care and want to move even if they have to pay a premium.