Embedding Fillable PDF on Website?

other than having the contact info questions at the beginning (they should be at the end of the form), I really do like that design. It's unique.

you may think it is easy enough to upload a fillable pdf form and email it back to someone. but you'd be amazed at how many people don't know how to do it. you may lose quite a few computer illiterate shoppers. in that regard, webforms are much more dummy proof.
Oliver, you misunderstood me. I'm talking about the CLIENT'S contact info....

your homepage.... first thing I see is "First and last name", "primary email", "primary phone"....

you're much better off putting those questions at the very end of the quote form. That way, a customer feels more committed to the quote because they've now spent several minutes on your site filling out info. When they see those questions right off the bat, some of them are skittish enough about entering their personal info that they will leave your site.

This may seem petty, but it does make a significant difference! I learned this idea from Alston several months ago. and as soon as I changed the order of questions as he suggested, I noticed an increase in the number of quotes. It really helps!
that form builder is very similar to the one my web host provides. and yes, I love it too!
very simple and easy to use.

however, I would only use a 3rd party form maker if my web host didn't offer it. because a form maker from a web host usually includes an IP tracking option, which is very helpful in tracking where customers are coming from.
robb, have you checked to see if your web host has its own form maker? most do.
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