Experience with Senior Life ?

Because you are so full of shit and lie about everything - I will deposit $5,000 of my money with Newby and you deposit $5,000 of your money with Newby and we will have Bill show you his commission reports and I will show you his call logs with the phone numbers...heck - we'll have you listen to the f'ing calls...BUT - it's gonna cost you $5,000 to come to the table little man...I'm gonna eliminate your bull shit and your nonsense and your big mouth...once and for all! Me the New Yorker - I'm gonna take you to the cleaners...

I don't doubt he made or wrote that amount. People do it....just not every week. But since you want to talk about numbers, there's a 23 year old young man who wrote just over $37,011 in a 7 day period with SL's $34 TV leads. He didn't do outbound. He worked live transfers....people connected to him on the same call of Ms. Jones calling the commercial. He's licensed in 30+ states. He said he was closing about 50% but I have no way of verifying that.

Here's my challenge to you: Let's you and I each put up $10k, let Newby hold the cash, you put your boy Bill up against my 23 year old. Bill uses your system and my guy follows the SL system. Run the contest for 7 days or maybe a 30 day period. Winner take all. This would be a good time to show people how your $54 TV leads are so superior to SL's $34 live TV transfers. Then you could have agents lined up to get ripped off paying $54 for TV leads when they can get live TV transfers for $34. Well CHUMP....what say you? LOL I'm laughing at you Barry. Get mad baby! Come to the center my little chicken dinner! LOL!

Better yet maybe you and I could compete like this. I'll out work you and out sell you and have more FE tele-sales skills at my disposal than you realize. We're both about the same age and I'm in the best shape of my life. My stamina will last much longer than yours. Especially the way they posted up here how you were struggling with FE tele-sales while others in their group were producing over $10k per month from home. I'll eat your lunch, breakfast, and dinner. This would be a great time for me to light it up and show boat! I'm laughing at you Barry. You're not going to do this because you would be embarrassed.....am I right? Let's make this so irresistible that you can't refuse. I'll put up $10k and you only have to put up $5k. Do you have $5k in cash? I'm mad at you Barry, you're in my cross hairs, let's you and me do this!

You definitely have anger control issues. If you leave my wife out of this then I'll leave your husband out of it. You're so entertaining. It's funny watching you lose your cool. Your call logs at Digital BGA showed you couldn't sell FE via tele-sales. It was posted on this forum last month. You don't have the patience for FE tele-sales nor a good old poker game. You'll be out of the business in a year. Get mad Barry, accept the challenge. I'm laughing at you.
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Hahaha. I don't have a red ass...but you're such an ASS Hole...

AND - MOST if not all are NOT successful at outbound - you say that yourself little boy...

Jeff had his "data" all wrong...you see they only have data for what the Agent dispositions in their system - MY LEADS were from outside their system - it SKEWED their numbers - nothing was dis-positioned correctly - that's why he removed his post...WRONG data.

You don't know shit about anything...but you think you do....hahaha.

In my NY way - you are such a F'ing LOSER BAG...you call everyone else a loser.

EVERYONE hates you - I mean EVERYONE!!!

Now go away and KISS the ass of your boss at Senior Life and then go crawl under some rock and hide...you're like herpes we can't get rid of you!

My guys are KILLING IT with the TV while using MY proven successful script...hahahahaha
You are wrong. Everybody does not hate Greg.. I know I don't.
Why don't you grow up and try to sound a little more professional?

I'm so happy you responded. I'm not angry I'm just having a piss of a time playing with you...cause you are a liar, a cheat and a horse thief - and you know what we do with horse thieves in this part of town? Go on and on with erroneous lies...it's just in your nature..

BUT, I've got just one more "challenge" for you...no more fun no more heckling no more NY tough guy...just you and me...PLEASE agree...the proof is in the pudding no DigitalBGA wrong data crap... NO OTHER PEOPLE CHUMP...you and me...

I know you think I'm such a "failure" at everything so here we go:

I'll deposit $10,000 and you deposit $10,000 with Newby

AND - we each pick our personal BEST 5 years of personal earnings...that's 1099 and/or W-2 earnings...any 5 years you want and any 5 years I want. I'll send original 1099 and W-2...you do the same...

We'll see who's more experienced, more successful, more well endowed....you get the deal...we'll see who's a failure...what do you say?

Yes or No?
I'm so happy you responded. I'm not angry I'm just having a piss of a time playing with you...cause you are a liar, a cheat and a horse thief - and you know what we do with horse thieves in this part of town? Go on and on with erroneous lies...it's just in your nature..

BUT, I've got just one more "challenge" for you...no more fun no more heckling no more NY tough guy...just you and me...PLEASE agree...the proof is in the pudding no DigitalBGA wrong data crap... NO OTHER PEOPLE CHUMP...you and me...

I know you think I'm such a "failure" at everything so here we go:

I'll deposit $10,000 and you deposit $10,000 with Newby

AND - we each pick our personal BEST 5 years of personal earnings...that's 1099 and/or W-2 earnings...any 5 years you want and any 5 years I want. I'll send original 1099 and W-2...you do the same...

We'll see who's more experienced, more successful, more well endowed....you get the deal...we'll see who's a failure...what do you say?

Yes or No?
It doesn't matter what you made in previous endeavors. In fact, let's say you made way more than I did. That doesn't matter. Many years ago I owned 3 Domino's Pizza stores and doubt your income would have matched mine during that particular time period. But that doesn't matter at all with what we're talking about here.

I never said you were never successful. And why do you care who is more endowed? Are you a homo or something? LOL. Get mad Barry, take the challenge in red up above. I'm laughing at you and I believe a few others are too.

We're talking about your insults to me earlier. My challenge to you is up above in red. My challenge is directly related to the subject at hand. I'm laughing at you Barry! Take the challenge and show me up.
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Why not offer 750%, while you're at it? What's the difference? You promote SL offering health insurance too, knowing darn well less than 5% of agents qualify. They may as well offer 95% equity ownership in the company! It wouldn't be a lie, so long as it's unattainable.

You have to build a team to qualify for the group health. It's still better than what any other carriers are offering.
It doesn't matter what you made in previous endeavors. In fact, let's say you made way more than I did.

HaHaHa. Yes I have - Wayyy more.

It does matter in sales...Earnings = Success...just the nature of the business..

I guess the best 5 year income challenge it's a NO go (yes go ahead throw in your pizza pizza W-2). But, I already figured that. When you crack well over seven figures in just one year doing telesales...any kind of telesales...actually any sales at all...and just on your own pen - you let me know...OK?

I'm totally focused on building an opportunity for Independent Agents to get the best leads that they can - which they then can combine with the best contracts that they can find - to make the most $$ that they can. Period.

I've already proven in a previous post that my $53 call with a 125% contract BEATS your $34 call with your contract levels all day every day...

This fencing match is over...I don't have time to waste with you.
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HaHaHa. Yes I have - Wayyy more.

It does matter in sales...Earnings = Success...just the nature of the business..

I guess the best 5 year income challenge it's a NO go (yes go ahead throw in your pizza pizza W-2). But, I already figured that. When you crack well over seven figures in just one year doing telesales...any kind of telesales...actually any sales at all...and just on your own pen - you let me know...OK?

I'm totally focused on building an opportunity for Independent Agents to get the best leads that they can - which they then can combine with the best contracts that they can find - to make the most $$ that they can. Period.

I've already proven in a previous post that my $53 call with a 125% contract BEATS your $34 call with your contract levels all day every day...

This fencing match is over...I don't have time to waste with you.

Barry, why are you backing down from your challenge to me? You tried to pick a fight with me and I've let you know I'm up for the challenge. You can't expect to slap me and then have me to forget it.

Everybody talks the talk and few walk the walk. I believe you had been drinking too much wine? You failed at FE tele-sales with an organization that produces successful FE tele-sales agents. With that being said, doesn't it stand to reason that the agents you train, who will follow your unsuccessful model, will also be unsuccessful? If you're unsuccessful at FE tele-sales then how can you train agents to be successful with FE tele-sales?

You said the same things other FE agents say: "The leads are terrible, that's why I can't do this". Losers say things other losers say.

You challenged me and I've responded. I'm sure you saw the red text above. What happened? This is no fencing match. This is a bare knuckled street fight and you started it.

One last suggestion: Try to sound a little more professional on this forum when discussing points of interest that differs from yours. Your foul mouthed tirades are very offensive to readers.

Also, if I've said anything that offended anyone (except Barry) I apologize. Those yankees from NY can be so confrontational.

I'm not going to say anything more on this thread. Just remember Barry: I'm laughing at you, I'll be laughing at you next week, next month, and next year.
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You are wrong. Everybody does not hate Greg.. I know I don't.

Thanks Rouse. Even though we my have heated discussions we don't curse at each other and call each other names like "doo doo". Can you believe Barry said that? I can't stop laughing at him.
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