Experience with Senior Life ?

Senior Life used to be one of the imos with lincoln. The second largest one when they left.

They went from being an imo to being an insurance carrier. Honestly, this is very expensive and very hard to accomplish.

It's kind of like when you buy a house. How you can't borrow your down payment. Starting a company is the same. The managers and owners of senior Life put in their own money to start a company. A huge risk and a huge investment.

It's impressive no matter what anyone thinks about the company. A great accomplishment for the owners.

Even though senior Life was an imo with lincoln they are a lot different. Which is why they left.

They both finance leads and provide them. Which is also very expensive and has a very high liability. This is the main difference between lh sl and most life companies.

It's also a reason why they have a bad wrap about debt and taking advantage of agents. It's agent debt, the pricing of their product, and wanting all of those agents to send them all their business and being really loud about it. And a lot of over zealous managers.

But as anyone that has been around the block will tell you. All CO's are basically the same. Pricing is different. Commissions are different. Products vary slightly.

But in the end, all they want is for you to sign people up. They ALL want you to send your business only to them. They want to pay the least amount for you to do this. They want the least amount of liability while you're doing this, and to pay the least amount of claims.

As soon as it's not profitable to have you agents write business. They will pull a product, lower commissions. Or they will sell, all make a shit ton of money, and we'll be here bitching about different companies.

I hear a lot about top commissions. Even for imos, the top isn't as high as people think. 150 percent is a ton. Even at the imo level. Imos don't have that high of contracts with most companies even if they write millions a month.

Steve may be making it sound easy but in reality it's not easy. You have to issue $1,500,00 in one month. To me it is designed to attract huge agencies from the competition. Heck, no one should expect 150% to be easy to get. It's obvious to me this is to appeal to the mammoth sized agencies, not the individual broker. That would be a faster way to grow.

I'm certainly not issuing anywhere near that amount....yet.
But at least 150% is being offered. I've not heard anyone up here mentioning other carriers offering 150%. Maybe there are?
Why not offer 750%, while you're at it? What's the difference? You promote SL offering health insurance too, knowing darn well less than 5% of agents qualify. They may as well offer 95% equity ownership in the company! It wouldn't be a lie, so long as it's unattainable.
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This guy is a puppet. It was only a few years ago that he was posting as a LH apostle and preaching on how great it was over there. I guess when his savior left and went to SL, so did he. Now he's an apostle for them. Little does he know, an agent straight out of the classroom with 0 production can get a 135% contract, write only 1 or 2 applications/year with that carrier, and not lose his writing number. Increase the number of apps per week to 5 or 6, and a SL agent's contract is still only 100%. The difference in income is the equivalent to a $650,000 mortgage payment. Perhaps he does know, but stuck on stupid. But that's the difference between a leader and those who follow. If you write $180,000 with SL, they reward you with a Rolex. So the question becomes, would you rather be recognized and placed on a pedestal as being as a member of SL's Rolex Club, or does it make more sense to take the additional $63,000, buy any Rolex (or two) your heart desires, and invest the remaining 5-figures? The only time one can argue that a 90% contract is just as good as 135%, is when there's zero production.
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If brokers don't like this arrangement then they should stay where they are: prepaying $2000 up front and then having to wait 4 weeks before their leads even come in and including the risk of a bad return %

YES - Brokers should DEFINITELY stay where they are - using that 125% contract level everyone here is using as an example...then:

They should prepay only $1,060 upfront for 20 LIVE incoming calls from high intent prospects watching TV commercials...which they will receive in 2 seconds from the call getting made (not minutes or days like your TV or 4 weeks like DM) with no risk they get all 20. And they can get those incoming calls starting in a matter of a few days - not 4 weeks...then:

Close 3/5 calls for a total of $270/month prem (avg $90 but I say expect $75) like Bill a 58 year old Agent from NC just did (he's no superstar telesales guy - I got him to stop using his outbound dialer and follow a proven script).

At the 125% commission level which he happens to be at - that's $3,240 x 125% = $4,050 FYC.

His cash in is a $3,037.50 advance AND - he still has 15 more calls waiting for him
to have more pleasant conversations...with high intent prospects that are saying.."I'm watching the TV ad and it says I can qualify for $30,000 of insurance coverage - how can I get that". This is the opening line from many of the callers so far...

And Greg, in a previous post I've already debunked your BS about how great your $34 TV calls are - that an independent agent at normal street commission will NET MORE in their pocket from my $53 calls than being at SL - so don't go spewing any nonsense that your TV leads (which are NEVER just 2 seconds fresh like ours, or that an agent even has a chance to grab the live ones when they pop up on your system) are any better!

In fact being at SL and buying your TV calls - the agent is a loser...
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YES - Brokers should DEFINITELY stay where they are - using that 125% contract level everyone here is using as an example...then:

They should prepay only $1,060 upfront for 20 LIVE incoming calls from high intent prospects watching TV commercials...which they will receive in 2 seconds from the call getting made (not minutes or days like your TV or 4 weeks like DM) with no risk they get all 20. And they can get those incoming calls starting in a matter of a few days - not 4 weeks...then:

Close 3/5 calls for a total of $270/month prem (avg $90 but I say expect $75) like Bill a 58 year old Agent from NC just did (he's no superstar telesales guy - I got him to stop using his outbound dialer and follow a proven script).

At the 125% commission level which he happens to be at - that's $3,240 x 125% = $4,050 FYC.

His cash in is a $3,037.50 advance AND - he still has 15 more calls waiting for him
to have more pleasant conversations...with high intent prospects that are saying.."I'm watching the TV ad and it says I can qualify for $30,000 of insurance coverage - how can I get that". This is the opening line from many of the callers so far...

And Greg, in a previous post I've already debunked your BS about how great your $34 TV calls are - that an independent agent at normal street commission will NET MORE in their pocket from my $53 calls than being at SL - so don't go spewing any nonsense that your TV leads (which are NEVER just 2 seconds fresh like ours, or that an agent even has a chance to grab the live ones when they pop up on your system) are any better!

In fact being at SL and buying your TV calls - the agent is a loser...

I understand you are promoting your TV leads. Wish you well with it. Just last month Digital BGA was posting why you were a failure at FE tele-sales when you started criticizing their leads to start promoting your leads...lol. Digital BGA has successful agents using their leads....why couldn't you be successful? And Digital BGA is a very credible source.

I'm sure, being that you are from NY, you now have the red ass from reading what I just reminded people of....lol.

Have a good day! Oh, good luck with training agents on FE tele-sales with your one year of experience. LOL.
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I understand you are promoting your TV leads. Wish you well with it. Just last month Digital BGA was posting why you were a failure at FE tele-sales when you started criticizing their leads to start promoting your leads...lol. Digital BGA has successful agents using their leads....why couldn't you be successful? And Digital BGA is a very credible source.

Hahaha. I don't have a red ass...but you're such an ASS Hole...

AND - MOST if not all are NOT successful at outbound - you say that yourself little boy...

Jeff had his "data" all wrong...you see they only have data for what the Agent dispositions in their system - MY LEADS were from outside their system - it SKEWED their numbers - nothing was dis-positioned correctly - that's why he removed his post...WRONG data.

You don't know shit about anything...but you think you do....hahaha.

In my NY way - you are such a F'ing LOSER BAG...you call everyone else a loser.

EVERYONE hates you - I mean EVERYONE!!!

Now go away and KISS the ass of your boss at Senior Life and then go crawl under some rock and hide...you're like herpes we can't get rid of you!

My guys are KILLING IT with the TV while using MY proven successful script...hahahahaha
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Hahaha. I don't have a red ass...but you're such an ASS Hole...

AND - MOST if not all are NOT successful at outbound - you say that yourself little boy...

Jeff had his "data" all wrong...you see they only have data for what the Agent dispositions in their system - MY LEADS were from outside their system - it SKEWED their numbers - nothing was dis-positioned correctly - that's why he removed his post...WRONG data.

You don't know shit about anything...but you think you do....hahaha.

In my NY way - you are such a F'ing LOSER BAG...you call everyone else a loser.

EVERYONE hates you - I mean EVERYONE!!!

Now go away and KISS the ass of your boss at Senior Life and then go crawl under some rock and hide...you're like herpes we can't get rid of you!

My guys are KILLING IT with the TV while using MY proven successful script...hahahahaha

Very professional...lol. You resort to name calling like a 3rd grader when someone puts you in the hot seat. You definitely have the red ass....along with anger control issues. $54 a lead.....with an 18%-22% closing rate.......what a rip off! $25-$30 DM leads close at 18%-22%. You must think most agents have very weak math skills in a numbers type of business.

Your inexperience is showing. Next year at this time you'll be out of the business. Wishing you well!
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$54 a lead.....with an 18%-22% closing rate.......

Hahaha....I get kicks from playing with jerk offs like you.

Again - You just can't help yourself...go away Mr. Herpes...seems everyone has to be unprofessional with you. Even your wife told me you never listen to anything she tells you to do. Go AWAY. We hate you.

And, it's $53 a lead - get your facts straight. So far the closing rate is...well you wouldn't believe me if told you. You'll watch the youtube interview coming soon with REAL agents talking about making REAL commissions closing at high rates using our calls...like 3/5 for $270 monthly prem. At 125% that's $4,050 commission!!! Real agent doing real business.

So - I know it's better than those OLD reworked operator calls from your shit hole operation.

The only RIPOFF is SENIOR LIFE ripping off agents at 30%-40% less commission than elsewhere. What 90% versus 120%-130%. You and Senior Life absolutely suck - they should muzzle you...you are bad for their business...

Go away...hit the road Jack. See ya. F off - you're a piece of doodoo...

If you answer again - it's because you are just a total douche bag...

I feel so good now...I'm gonna go grab a glass of wine...Adios Amigos.
with an 18%-22% closing rate.......

Let me shove this right up your ass...Greg.

This regular guy Bill (NC agent about 58 years old) was doing OUTBOUND. He took a leap of faith and bought 25 LIVE - like 2 seconds live (not 2 days old like your's are) INCOMING calls.

He took my inexperienced advice and my shitty can't sell shit script because I suck so bad as do all my calls...and on my recommendation he added the state of CA to his list of states...

Through today: 4 days - he's 4 sales on 8 calls. 3 were CA! Let's see...since I'm in 3rd grade that is a 50% close rate...am I right dick wad???

His total monthly premium is now $361. That's $4,332 AP. At a respectable 125% commission (not your RIP OFF 80%..90%...whatever %.) he has earned $5,415 in commission with a $4,061.25 advance!!!!

Now - here is what I propose. Listen VERY carefully...

Because you are so full of shit and lie about everything - I will deposit $5,000 of my money with Newby and you deposit $5,000 of your money with Newby and we will have Bill show you his commission reports and I will show you his call logs with the phone numbers...heck - we'll have you listen to the f'ing calls...BUT - it's gonna cost you $5,000 to come to the table little man...I'm gonna eliminate your bull shit and your nonsense and your big mouth...once and for all! Me the New Yorker - I'm gonna take you to the cleaners...

You've Got To Ask Yourself One Question: "Do I Feel Lucky?" "Well, Do Ya, Punk?"

Do you got the BALLS to step up with real money?
I'm gonna shut your lying F'ing mouth once and for all. Now - Kiss off.
Let me shove this right up your ass...Greg.

This regular guy Bill (NC agent about 58 years old) was doing OUTBOUND. He took a leap of faith and bought 25 LIVE - like 2 seconds live (not 2 days old like your's are) INCOMING calls.

He took my inexperienced advice and my shitty can't sell shit script because I suck so bad as do all my calls...and on my recommendation he added the state of CA to his list of states...

Through today: 4 days - he's 4 sales on 8 calls. 3 were CA! Let's see...since I'm in 3rd grade that is a 50% close rate...am I right dick wad???

His total monthly premium is now $361. That's $4,332 AP. At a respectable 125% commission (not your RIP OFF 80%..90%...whatever %.) he has earned $5,415 in commission with a $4,061.25 advance!!!!

Now - here is what I propose. Listen VERY carefully...

Because you are so full of shit and lie about everything - I will deposit $5,000 of my money with Newby and you deposit $5,000 of your money with Newby and we will have Bill show you his commission reports and I will show you his call logs with the phone numbers...heck - we'll have you listen to the f'ing calls...BUT - it's gonna cost you $5,000 to come to the table little man...I'm gonna eliminate your bull shit and your nonsense and your big mouth...once and for all! Me the New Yorker - I'm gonna take you to the cleaners...

You've Got To Ask Yourself One Question: "Do I Feel Lucky?" "Well, Do Ya, Punk?"

Do you got the BALLS to step up with real money?
I'm gonna shut your lying F'ing mouth once and for all. Now - Kiss off.

Dude chill out. You're making yourself look like an immature psycho the way you are responding.

I'm not taking your side or his.

I'm simply saying you should temper your response to at least appear like a mature adult.