FE Gold!! (mined Gems from the FE Forum)

Attached below is the 77 page document that has everything above on. It is printable and readable, and will become a good book to study only because by it not being organized, it forces the mind to take notes (participate) and draw conclusions (integration). I think by it would be a disservice by cleaning it up...:idea:


You should have also created an invoice and attached that to your post... something nominal, sort of like shareware does. You could sell this as an ebook, I'm thinkin.

Good stuff and thanks. SN
I found a post by Greg by talking about the gifting benefit of FE:

I inform this group that FE is a way to pass $$$ to their children, grand kids, etc. TAX-FREE. This $$$ can be used for college, help make their lives better, etc.

Or, that as soon as my Co. receives the death certificate they'll type up the check that same day and then express mail it overnight so it's there for your family the next day! That way your funeral can be performed on time with no delays...while all your other property/$$$ is tied up in probate. When tied up in probate it'll probably be at least 3 months before everything is dispursed to your family.

Or, "Ms. Jones you've done a much better job taking care of this than some of the people I speak with. Why don't you do like everyone else is doing?" "What's that"? she says. I reply "well everyone else is leaving that tax-free $$$ to their favorite charity or church if their family doesn't need the $$$".

Try using "why don't you do like everybody else?" Ms. Jones's subconscience will then tell her that if everybody else is doing it then it must be ok. Ms. Jones won't feel as though she is all alone making a decision that might be harmful. She'll feel more comfortable saying "yes" because others are also saying "yes". Most people are followers, Ms. Jones included, and they need to be led, using the RIGHT path, to the ultimate goal....the sale. And if you take the WRONG path you will NOT make the sale.

Try it.........you'll like it!

And found this by Funeral Director:

So how does an insurance agent get past this objection? You could create value, but sometimes its not enough to overcome laziness or an inflated sense of invulnerability. Basically you have to light a fire under someone's ass to get them going. This can be perceived as being pushy or acting aggressive.


/quote]These prospects lead me to think of the man who trained me many years ago, who said, "When they need the truth, hit them right in the face with it." I made a great leap ahead as a salesman that day...The perception of value is logical not emotional. I need to evoke emotion on every call. The emotions that drive preneed/final ex are fear and shame.Either of these emotions will create a buying motive, usually love.Example: "Mr. Prospect, as your final arrangements stand now, if you died tonight, Mrs. Prospect would get a call tomorrow morning from a funeral director downtown saying, 'Mrs. Prospect, I'm very sorry for your loss. I need you to come in this morning and make arrangements for Mr. Prospect.'" Mr. Prospect, tomorrow morning at about ten o'clock, Mrs. Prospect will go to the funeral home. She will be, maybe for the first time in her life: alone, confused and exhausted. She will do all the paperwork. Then she will open her checkbook, and write a big check on the worst day of her life.But it doesn't have to be that way, Mr. Prospect. I need you to write me a check for thirty-five dollars
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This is OUTSTANDING! thanks for doing it ,and making it available to print and save. It is much appreciated!!