FE Gold!! (mined Gems from the FE Forum)

My first post on this forum... Just wanted to say THANK YOU to all involved for this great collection. Though I am not new to the insurance world, I am new to selling and I think final expense is the way to go. I really appreciate the great advice in this thread and on the forum in general. I look forward to continuing to learn from all of you and hope to be able to contribute more in the future! :)
There is no doubt that the information and techniques discussed in the FE threads are the most powerful part of this forum. If you want to learn to sell Life I think Topgunproducers is a gold mine but this forum has the information on health but especially senior sales, FE, Medicare Supplements, and advantage plans.
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I know it's an old thread, but I just saw it. That took a long time to put those gems together! There's some really good stuff in there.Thanks for your efforts!:yes:
Bringing this thread back to the forefront a little bit.

Took me a while to find it again and it's always a great starting point for all knowledge re: final expense.

It would be great if this could be made "STICKY" in the final expense forum to always stay at the top.
Yeah this is a good post/thread to read every once in awhile.

For those newbies wanting to pay some site for FE training, this will replace a lot of that and is free.