FE Gold!! (mined Gems from the FE Forum)

Wow! Good stuff Empty.

Also, Thanks a lot for taking time out of your day to walk me through some things last week. Truly an asset to this board and your community.
Attached below is the 77 page document that has everything above on. It is printable and readable, and will become a good book to study only because by it not being organized, it forces the mind to take notes (participate) and draw conclusions (integration). I think by it would be a disservice by cleaning it up...:idea:

You Sir are a Great American and an overachiever. From OHIO!
Great Post!

I have a 60 M Diabetic Smoker DUI what carrier should I write him with...........

Just kidding
Mind blowing. The tool you have provided is valuable to the new guy, the pro and the seasoned vet. We all need to be reminded that it takes hard work in this business to be successful and always need reminders of the things we need to learn, need to review and remind us of what the basics are.

Thank you for your fine work and all those who will benefit from this work.