FE Over Phone Top Producers

I came to this thread looking for good information and find page after page of a pissing match. I can watch the "Office" and get better entertainment. Can I humbly suggest we can the crap and focus on ideas? Let's be civil and agree that there are a variety of selling methods and each person may have different experiences with different methods.
I came to this thread looking for good information and find page after page of a pissing match. I can watch the "Office" and get better entertainment. Can I humbly suggest we can the crap and focus on ideas? Let's be civil and agree that there are a variety of selling methods and each person may have different experiences with different methods.

I agree. How about the other guy?
I came to this thread looking for good information and find page after page of a pissing match. I can watch the "Office" and get better entertainment. Can I humbly suggest we can the crap and focus on ideas? Let's be civil and agree that there are a variety of selling methods and each person may have different experiences with different methods.

Impossible.... that's like saying we can have world harmony through peace talks.
I came to this thread looking for good information and find page after page of a pissing match. I can watch the "Office" and get better entertainment. Can I humbly suggest we can the crap and focus on ideas? Let's be civil and agree that there are a variety of selling methods and each person may have different experiences with different methods.

A few of us agents/mgrs. are rather aggressive, very confident, like to overcome objections from each other,and debate pretty well with each other. For some reason we all excel in our methods of selling FE. Must be some sort of common trait. Type A personality maybe?
I came to this thread looking for good information and find page after page of a pissing match. I can watch the "Office" and get better entertainment. Can I humbly suggest we can the crap and focus on ideas? Let's be civil and agree that there are a variety of selling methods and each person may have different experiences with different methods.
You are correct, in that there are a variety of methods in which to sell final expense.

The "pissing match" is over the false claims made that you can sign up with a certain company and make six figures in your underwear, while drinking a beer in your favorite recliner.

Recruiting is one thing. Recruiting by making false claims and potentially (probably) putting a good person in a bad situation, is another!
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Well....I have posted my pic up here. Why don't you post yours?
Hahahahahahahaha... As if you are pleasant to look at! How many deals has that pic closed for ya?
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