FE Over Phone Top Producers

My inexperience? Hahahahahahaha... That's funny coming from a guy that asks everyone else on the board for their techniques, sources and advice!

Why do they generate their own leads when you offer hot, fresh & exclusive leads at a low fixed price? It doesn't make sense. Why would anyone want to work for this company, only to pay for their own leads out of pocket and make a substantially reduced commission, while being limited to one overpriced carrier?

You're calling me stupid for saying that closing % has nothing to do with the premium amount written? You must be a moron or a complete ***, because you obviously do not know what closing percentage means. Which one is it?

BTW... My communication skills, as well as my closing percentage, is just fine. I could close deals if I spoke Ebonics. You on the other hand couldn't close a car door in English!

Here's one for you genius: I wrote $3987 AP last week, what's my closing percentage? Since I'm stupid, you should be able to easily answer this question.

You look sillier and more childish w/ each post you make. Do you still live with your mother?
Yea..I'm always alert for new techniques and ideas and successes and advice, etc. If you think that's a bad idea then you are a BIGGER loser than I first thought. I think any successful agent would follow this practice. You are probably the only FOOL on this forum who is so short sighted as not to see the merit in this.

I believe I've already illustrated above about the closing %. If anyone can explain this in more ELEMENTARY terms for teddy please do so.

So Teddy, was this $3987 your all time best? You say it so boastfully as if you've never seen those kind of figures before. Anyway...good job for you. You probably write less than $2k per week on average, no?
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You look sillier and more childish w/ each post you make. Do you still live with your mother?
Yea..I'm always alert for new techniques and ideas and successes and advice, etc. If you think that's a bad idea then you are a BIGGER loser than I first thought. I think any successful agent would follow this practice. You are probably the only FOOL on this forum who is so short sighted as not to see the merit in this.

I believe I've already illustrated above about the closing %. If anyone can explain this in more ELEMENTARY terms for teddy please do so.

So Teddy, was this $3987 your all time best? You say it so boastfully as if you've never seen those kind of figures before. Anyway...good job for you. You probably write less than $2k per week on average, no?
If ignorance is bliss... you must be ecstatic! You are among the most clueless individuals that I have run into, in a while. Keep patting yourself on the back, while everyone laughs at you.
Just a couple of questions for insuranceman. What kind of schedule do you follow?
And do you work from home or do you find it better to make calls from an office?

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