FE Over Phone Top Producers

Well....do you or do you not have any experience selling FE over the phone? You seem a little shy about answering this question.
Don't mistake shyness with privacy. You have not earned the right to question my experience or any other aspect of my life.

After all, you have consistently refused to post any numbers or costs associated with your claims, but now you think that I owe you answers? I don't recruit, I just attempt to help those that I can, without the use of misleading claims or bogus information.

As the saying goes... "Put up or shut up!"
Don't mistake shyness with privacy. You have not earned the right to question my experience or any other aspect of my life.

After all, you have consistently refused to post any numbers or costs associated with your claims, but now you think that I owe you answers? I don't recruit, I just attempt to help those that I can, without the use of misleading claims or bogus information.

As the saying goes... "Put up or shut up!"

So it looks like you do NOT have any experience selling FE over the phone. That's cool. Everyone is entitled to their opinions.
So it looks like you do NOT have any experience selling FE over the phone. That's cool. Everyone is entitled to their opinions.
You sure do assume an awful lot. You do know what they say about assumptions don't you? Has that feeble attempt at manipulation actually ever worked for you? I don't know how you can close a door, let alone a deal. Your skills are WEAK!
You sure do assume an awful lot. You do know what they say about assumptions don't you? Has that feeble attempt at manipulation actually ever worked for you? I don't know how you can close a door, let alone a deal. Your skills are WEAK!

Tampan.....GROW UP! Geesh!
Tampan.....GROW UP! Geesh!
Sounds like I hit a nerve! You can't handle the truth on an internet forum, but you claim to be a telesales superhero? I just don't buy it!

Do me a favor and help remember how this saying goes: "You can fool some of the people, some of the time..."
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Insurance man, what did the top producer in your organization write for the year and what percentage stayed on the books?