FE Over Phone Top Producers

I'd like to know this, and what he'd consider an AVERAGE producer wrote for the year.
What you really want to know is the company wide closing percentage on issued & paid business. If he answers honestly, you won't waste your time asking about the persistency rate.
Insurance man, what did the top producer in your organization write for the year and what percentage stayed on the books?

$308,015 Production. Don't know the persistency. My persistency selling on the phone (13th month) fluctuates between 75%-85%. Persistency on the phone varies from agent 2 agent just as it does with face 2 face sales. Some people have horrible persistency in the field and also on the phone. And some have great persistency in the field and also on the phone.
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$308,015 Production. Don't know the persistency. My persistency selling on the phone (13th month) fluctuates between 75%-85%. Persistency on the phone varies from agent 2 agent just as it does with face 2 face sales. Some people have horrible persistency in the field and also on the phone. And some have great persistency in the field and also on the phone.
How about what Tampa asked and what I asked?
What you really want to know is the company wide closing percentage on issued & paid business. If he answers honestly, you won't waste your time asking about the persistency rate.

Impossible to calculate co. wide closing %. Some people work leads and write $2k-$10k per week (the producers that write bigger numbers of course work more leads...30-50 and put in 50+ hours/week).

Like Hoosier has said about face 2 face sales: some agents can't give it away because they are terrible, where as another agent could take that same set of leads and write $3k from them. Wait a minute Jdeasy has done that. And then some brokers may write only 5 apps for the year.

Tampa I can't figure who likes to attack me the most...you or Jdeasy. Enjoy yourself.

If you don't believe in phone sales then don't concern yourself with it. Agents sell term, health, med supps, and FE on the phone every day.
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Impossible to calculate co. wide closing %. Some people work leads and write $2k-$10k per week (the producers that write bigger numbers of course work more leads...30-50 and put in 50+ hours/week).

Like Hoosier has said about face 2 face sales: some agents can't give it away because they are terrible, where as another agent could take that same set of leads and write $3k from them. Wait a minute Jdeasy has done that. And then some brokers may write only 5 apps for the year.

Tampa I can't figure who likes to attack me the most...you or Jdeasy. Enjoy yourself.

If you don't believe in phone sales then don't concern yourself with it. Agents sell term, health, med supps, and FE on the phone every day.

I never once attacked you until you became a smartass to me. If you are going to cry all the time, put your babysitter on here to straighten us out. Otherwise, grow a pair.
Impossible to calculate co. wide closing %. Some people work leads and write $2k-$10k per week (the producers that write bigger numbers of course work more leads...30-50 and put in 50+ hours/week).

Like Hoosier has said about face 2 face sales: some agents can't give it away because they are terrible, where as another agent could take that same set of leads and write $3k from them. Wait a minute Jdeasy has done that. And then some brokers may write only 5 apps for the year.

Tampa I can't figure who likes to attack me the most...you or Jdeasy. Enjoy yourself.

If you don't believe in phone sales then don't concern yourself with it. Agents sell term, health, med supps, and FE on the phone every day.
That's bull! It is very easy for a company that controlls the entire sales process including mailers, to calculate the closing percentage. They know how many mailers each rep recieves and how many apps are issued don't they?

I can't imagine any sales driven company staying in business without knowing their cost per sale. If they know their cost per sale, they know their closing percentage don't they?

BTW... Closing percentage has nothing to do with the premium amount written or hours worked.
That's bull! It is very easy for a company that controlls the entire sales process including mailers, to calculate the closing percentage. They know how many mailers each rep recieves and how many apps are issued don't they?

I can't imagine any sales driven company staying in business without knowing their cost per sale. If they know their cost per sale, they know their closing percentage don't they?

BTW... Closing percentage has nothing to do with the premium amount written or hours worked.

Your inexperience shows up again. The various RD's generate leads out of their own pocket, not the co.'s. (The Co. will do mailers for RD's at the RD's request though). RD's also do their own mailers independent of the co. Response rates differ for DM campaigns. Response rates differ on TV commercials. Agents also sometimes do a little lead generating on their own. Different agents work more leads some weeks and less leads other weeks.

"Cost per sale" can not be calculated due these various variables listed above. However, it is safe to say that an agent should have $100 AP per lead worked. Or..an agent should close about 25% of the leads they work.

"Closing % has nothing to due with premium amt. written": Are you that stupid to say such a thing?! If you and I each work 20 leads and one of us closes 7 apps and the other closes 2 apps, who do you think wrote the most premium? Maybe you are referring to "premium per app"? If so then you are correct. (Try to improve your communication skills, would help you in your selling).

"Closing % has nothing to do with hours worked" is correct. Congrats to you with your higher reasoning abilities.

So....what are your figures? And experience in the FE arena?
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Your inexperience shows up again. The various RD's generate leads out of their own pocket, not the co.'s. (The Co. will do mailers for RD's at the RD's request though). RD's also do their own mailers independent of the co. Response rates differ for DM campaigns. Response rates differ on TV commercials. Agents also sometimes do a little lead generating on their own. Different agents work more leads some weeks and less leads other weeks.

"Cost per sale" can not be calculated due these various variables listed above. However, it is safe to say that an agent should have $100 AP per lead worked. Or..an agent should close about 25% of the leads they work.

"Closing % has nothing to due with premium amt. written": Are you that stupid to say such a thing?! If you and I each work 20 leads and one of us closes 7 apps and the other closes 2 apps, who do you think wrote the most premium? Maybe you are referring to "premium per app"? If so then you are correct. (Try to improve your communication skills, would help you in your selling).

"Closing % has nothing to do with hours worked" is correct. Congrats to you with your higher reasoning abilities.

So....what are your figures? And experience in the FE arena?
My inexperience? Hahahahahahaha... That's funny coming from a guy that asks everyone else on the board for their techniques, sources and advice!

Why do they generate their own leads when you offer hot, fresh & exclusive leads at a low fixed price? It doesn't make sense. Why would anyone want to work for this company, only to pay for their own leads out of pocket and make a substantially reduced commission, while being limited to one overpriced carrier?

You're calling me stupid for saying that closing % has nothing to do with the premium amount written? You must be a moron or a complete ***, because you obviously do not know what closing percentage means. Which one is it?

BTW... My communication skills, as well as my closing percentage, is just fine. I could close deals if I spoke Ebonics. You on the other hand couldn't close a car door in English!

Here's one for you genius: I wrote $3987 AP last week, what's my closing percentage? Since I'm stupid, you should be able to easily answer this question.