Federal Court Blocks Medicare Agent Pay Cap Regulations

The way I read it, this could only lead to more pay for us?
The way I read it, the rule will likely be overturned and admin overrides will continue. With regard to agent comp, either CMS will have to do an actual analysis to determine FMV of fmo services which will likely result in an amount above $100 or the court will determine CMS hasn't justified the need to upend 16 yrs of precedent by changing the definition of compensation to include reimbursement of admin expenses. The court gained the authority to do this literally days ago when the Supreme Court overturned chevron. The timing could not be any better to fight this battle.
It is frustrating to hear so many independent agents applauding this news. I will translate it for you. Your upline figured out a way to pick your pocket, and you’re not getting the raise CMS was about to give you.

If you are an independent agent and think this is good news for you, you should work for CMS because you are not smart.
The way I read it , this is just going to piss off cms and stand by for what they do to get even
I’ve read the whole ruling .Fmo’s threw agents under the freakin bus saying the $100 not enough . They want it thrown out so there overrides not effected and the agents gets no raise . There’s zero in there about them letting marketing money stay . They’re trying to sacrifice the agent for their pockets . I hope cms crushes the user fmo’s . They just did a summary . Even if it goes against them cms will appeal to higher courts to get thrown out