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- Take your name out of the <h1> tag (headline). Replace it with a keyword-rich heading.
- Add a hard to miss call to action. Graphical buttons work well. It can be beautiful or ugly, but it needs to be obvious.
- Add one or two other more subtle calls to action in the form or hyperlinks in your body text.
Examples: "Click here for Rates" "Click for more information" "Get instant Quotes." - Add your phone number near the top of the page in a large font.
- Repeat your phone number and call to action on the bottom of the page.
- For the next week or so, make a note of websites (any kind of site, not necessarily insurance sites). Don't put much thought into this part of the process. Just note the ones that you like. Make a list of them or bookmark them.
- You might want to ask a friend to do the same and share his or her list with you.
- After you have one or two dozen sites, look at them again and try to find commonality.
- Read "Don't Make Me Think" by Steve Krug.
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