Fex Contracting or the Insurance Squad

Do you have a the contract levels on your website were I can view the information to compare with FEX?

There is a link to his website in his signature, why don't you look for yourself?

Red Dime, feel free to call me ANYTIME @ 281-536-4220

You are going to get competitive commission levels no matter who you go with if you choose one of the forum Agencies/IMO's. You should pick up the phone and talk to each about training, preferred carrier line up (and why), lead availability, and most important, get a feel for how you click with each other's personality (not easy in a phone call, I know - but this is very important, imho).

I can speak from my own experience and personally vouch for Matt Mungia and The Squad I myself am not a recruiter. If, after you speak with Matt, you wish to PM with some questions I'll answer what I am able to answer and direct you to ask Matt directly where I have no basis to respond. There is no point PM'ing me until you speak with Matt and determine for yourself if joining the Squad is a possibility.

I do not have first hand experience with FEX directly, though I will say that if I were looking in FEX's direction I'd contact @Jose Arteaga who runs the CFC Agency. CFC is an FEX agency, and the same levels are available as with FEX I am told. Jose, like Matt Mungia, is a top producer and a friendly, easy to talk to guy.

If you are going to sell final expense, choose as your upline someone who has produced at the levels you aspire to produce. If you want to write $300K+ then talk to Matt or Jose.

Whatever you do, I suggest choosing someone with whom you have good chemistry and who has done in the field whatever it is you are hoping to accomplish.

Don't choose the stronger commish - choose what you believe will develop into the stronger professional relationship.

If I were starting all over from scratch but I had the benefit of knowing now what I did not know when I first came to this business, my choice would be between Matt and The Insurance Squad or Jose Arteaga and CFC. Either one, imo, will turn you into a producer if you have it in you to produce.

Just keep in mind, as I myself have learned about myself - The main variable is YOU.