I'm sure there are guys who are killing it over the phone, just as there are guys who are killing it face to face. . . I think it would be hard trying to close an 80 year old over the phone. . .
And some companies are "killing it" in Direct Mail alone! How many clients do we see who have sent in that AARP piece? Not that it is the best thing for the client... I'm just saying, a lot of methods work if you take the time to figure out how to do it well.
I've never tried telesales. But, I don't really like being on the phone all that much, and people around here (Detroit Metro) get calls all day long from telemarketers. They also aren't the most trusting people, a lot of them have been ripped off. They want an agent who will show them the details of what they are buying. For that reason, I will stick to f2f. At the same time, I wouldn't discredit Greg. He has found the method that works best for him and he likes it. His volume is honorable.
For me, I want to be their agent. I want to sit down with them, have some coffee, talk about their kids and what they are doing, pet the dog, etc. A lot of my clients had parents who had agents who saw them monthly...old school. In the back of their minds, I think they have a lot more trust for an agent who will come see them than one who does everything over the phone. Not that you can't do that over the phone, but I think we all would admit that it's a bit harder getting to know someone over the phone than it is in person.
Downside of f2f: Gas Costs. But, if I just sell 1 more policy in a week because of it, doesn't this pay for my gas????

Plus, with programs like Streets and Trips, making a cost-effective route is simple, especially with Excel. At least around here, going to see my leads is normally a 5-10 minute drive in between houses.