Finding & Hiring Good Sales People

But then people have trouble making their "recruiting number". Oftentimes there's significant bonu$ dollars at stake...

They incent short-term thinking, and then wonder why it doesn't work. know, if there was just some association out there that didn't make any overrides off anyone and gave agents the straight scoop as to what it takes to be a career agent that would help. Maybe some day.

When people are properly screened and are told the truth about what it takes to make it in this biz the odds are better.

When people come in for MAKE SIX FIGURES!!!! it's failure waiting to happen.

This is a business about building and servicing clients. If you want "MAKE SIX FIGURES!!!" then it's not the field for you.

You are really doing a bang-up job of insulting me. I came into the business with more expertise than you will ever have and immediately started making money. I was looking for an executive sales position with six figure potential and I am not disappointed. By the way, I don't 'sell', people buy after getting an objective viewpoint.

You keep attacking people and you will get your tongue kicked.
Here we go with the spelling again. Is that all you have? Like I said...I would prefer to miss spell words then to appear as though I am an arrogant know it all. Btw, hows the zipper jacket still fit? ;)

Oh, and no I did not go to college.. I have no degree, but I assure you I am doing just fine! :P
In stead, I was a Ranger in the Army for 5 years. Guess that makes me dumb, but I sure do have a hell of a work ethic.
Not to worry. I think there's very little possibility of that happening.
wow you're quick huh? Did mommy help you with that one, or did you come up with it on your own? Lol, look man you can bash my spelling all you want. The spelling does not change the context, and frankly on here it really doesn't matter except to arrogant tight wads that hawk this forum trying to look important. Just revel in the fact that this is an online conversation.

Here is a thought! How about rather than posting crap on everyone's threads regarding off topic conversation you merely stick to the topic. Unfortunately you cannot do that without pushing your "listen to me" attitude. Did your dad not pay attention to you when you were a baby?
Here we go with the spelling again. Is that all you have? Like I said...I would prefer to miss spell words then to appear as though I am an arrogant know it all. Btw, hows the zipper jacket still fit? ;)

Oh, and no I did not go to college.. I have no degree, but I assure you I am doing just fine! :P
In stead, I was a Ranger in the Army for 5 years. Guess that makes me dumb, but I sure do have a hell of a work ethic.

miss spell = misspell
know it all = know-it-all
hows = how's
in stead = instead
Here we go with the spelling again. Is that all you have? Like I said...I would prefer to miss spell words then to appear as though I am an arrogant know it all. Btw, hows the zipper jacket still fit? ;)

Oh, and no I did not go to college.. I have no degree, but I assure you I am doing just fine! :P In stead, I was a Ranger in the Army for 5 years. Guess that makes me dumb, but I sure do have a hell of a work ethic.

My best friend and business associate was an Army Ranger. I have never met a finer, harder working, trustworthy individual in my life. The fact that you were a Ranger is a fine recommendation as far as I am concerned. However, here is the funny thing. My friend is not the world's greatest speller :laugh: but he is superlative in every other way and a great salesman.