For those of you using NORVAX...

Excellent, John. I had to really peruse that post to catch the misspelling referred to by The Rabbi---" simply take you time...." Of course, it should be "your," a very common typo error, BTW.
Also missed the d in hundreds of thousands...but a good letter none the less! Have you guys found the autorespnder feature of Norvax to be worth the additional cost?
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Good catch - I'm horrible at proofing my own writing. I also just cranked that out recently - have been off shared leads for 2 years so I had to remember what my old email used to be.
Sometimes it's not what you're making but what you're not making. Say you're making $2,000 a week and happy as a clam - no real need to fix something that's not broke. Come to find you could be making $3,000 easier.

That's me with Norvax - just got 'em and never really saw the need. I have been making "X" amount through the years and have been quite happy - never saw the need.

Now that I have it I'm trying to figure out how much I've lost over the years.
While you review your choices we do have some very vital tips
  • Always deal with a local Maryland agent - out-of-state agents do not know the details of Maryland plans and could very well recommend the wrong plan

We are a local agency dedicated to health insurance. It's all we do 12 hours a day and we are experts in the Maryland market.


John Petrowski
Maryland Health Plans

A word of caution.
A duly licensed non-resident agent in Maryland (such as myself) may take exception to your characterization of "out of state" agents not knowing the details of Maryland plans. My non-resident license is just as valid as your resident Maryland license. It indicates the same level of competence. :yes:

Now, what you may be referring to are the hordes of UNLICENSED bozos who are slamming people over the phone and email acting as "advisors" etc. They are NOT "agents." They are clowns. They need to be strung upside down and whipped silly. No question about it. And just because there may be a licensed agency involved somewhere in the hierarchy does not create a license for every person engaging in conversation with prospective clients--regardless of the state. (do I need to name "enames" here or do you people understand what I'm saying?)

I urge you and everyone reading this thread to diligently pursue any incident involving unlicensed agents contacting individuals that you, as a licensed agent, are trying to convert into clients. On the other hand, you may want to consider a slight revision of that language so as not to offend those of us I know you do not intend to offend.

I see where John is coming from a sales perspective but I work multi state and could blow past 90% of local agents in terms of knowledge of my markets mainly because I only do individual health, not 100 other things.

Some of my top selling markets I can explain in detail the laws, risk pool, carriers, you name it. I follow the state legislations, really I treat it the same as my own state.

States I do not market in - I am clueless. I certainly would not say someone local knows more, that is FAR from the truth as a blanket statement and not always the case.

This varies on the individual and their skill set and due diligence. If the "local" was a big issue EHEALTH wouldn't be doing 1000X the production of everyone on this board - to most consumers this is a non issue (Internet clients at least). Local folk wanting local agents will get just that - there is a place for BOTH I assure you BOTH have a business function.
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A word of caution.
A duly licensed non-resident agent in Maryland (such as myself) may take exception to your characterization of "out of state" agents not knowing the details of Maryland plans. My non-resident license is just as valid as your resident Maryland license. It indicates the same level of competence. :yes:

Now, what you may be referring to are the hordes of UNLICENSED bozos who are slamming people over the phone and email acting as "advisors" etc. They are NOT "agents." They are clowns. They need to be strung upside down and whipped silly. No question about it. And just because there may be a licensed agency involved somewhere in the hierarchy does not create a license for every person engaging in conversation with prospective clients--regardless of the state. (do I need to name "enames" here or do you people understand what I'm saying?)

I urge you and everyone reading this thread to diligently pursue any incident involving unlicensed agents contacting individuals that you, as a licensed agent, are trying to convert into clients. On the other hand, you may want to consider a slight revision of that language so as not to offend those of us I know you do not intend to offend.


Really? Then go over the Mamsi and Coventry individual plans with me.
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