Free Lead Giveaway Feedback Needed |


5000 Post Club
Judging from the traffic I've been getting to it seems like a good chunk of you folks have checked it out. Most people just browse around and look at the information which is awesome, but some folks also take advantage of the 50 free leads giveaway. As it sits now, I'm offering those 100% free with no strings attached. I know a lot of companies like and others will give away free leads, but will then use your information to hound you to buy leads.

The way I look at it, this forum has been very good to me and the lead business has treated me well so I don't mind giving folks some free leads to try out just so they can get a feel for the process. That being said, maybe I should be at least following up with folks on some level?

What do you think? Should I just give them away with no strings attached? Should I setup an autoresponder so they get a message 7-10 days later asking how things went?

Not really looking to bother anyone, but some folks might find it helpful I suppose. Your thoughts?
Judging from the traffic I've been getting to it seems like a good chunk of you folks have checked it out. Most people just browse around and look at the information which is awesome, but some folks also take advantage of the 50 free leads giveaway. As it sits now, I'm offering those 100% free with no strings attached. I know a lot of companies like and others will give away free leads, but will then use your information to hound you to buy leads.

The way I look at it, this forum has been very good to me and the lead business has treated me well so I don't mind giving folks some free leads to try out just so they can get a feel for the process. That being said, maybe I should be at least following up with folks on some level?

What do you think? Should I just give them away with no strings attached? Should I setup an autoresponder so they get a message 7-10 days later asking how things went?

Not really looking to bother anyone, but some folks might find it helpful I suppose. Your thoughts?
The issue I had with them isn't the emails in and of itself, it's the calls from the guy four times a week and the emails from him about just calling me after I've ignored him.

Now, where are my free leads? ;)
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Everyone works leads differently. If you pay for the lead most folks think they are required (or entitled) to bug the lead until they "die or buy".

Even when I was buying leads I never pushed the envelope. I never wanted to be perceived as a pest.

Early on, I would call every purchased lead 3 - 5 times. I also tracked emails to see if the email was valid and if it was opened.

Eventually I changed my approach to call once and leave a message. All leads are emailed and the initial personalized email has tracking. All leads are also entered in to my autoresponder.

My goal, with my website, phone call and email, is to offer information that (hopefully) is helpful. If the individual get's enough information they feel is helpful they will call me.

For me at least, this works very well and I waste very little time on tire kickers and losers.

Josh, my feeling is you should have some way of gauging the success of your give away. I suppose since I get so many emails during the day I don't mind follow up, especially if they give me an opt out or I have the ability to block the sender.

Repeat phone calls are another issue entirely and something I don't personally tolerate.