Funeral Advantage

I sell LH exclusively. Door to door. Weather permitting. If it's under 50 degrees at ten in the morning, I stay inside. I am a Californian y'know. I write 150-200 apps a year. Every morning I'm in the field. I've had appointments over the years with Forethought (good until the funeral guys were sold to the insurance guys), Great Western of Ogden UT (good funeral people). I've found LH home office staff friendly and helpful. Jack Londen taught me a very important lesson in sales management when he called me one morning and told me what I needed to be successful, told me they would be watching me and praying for me. He reached down into the food chain that far to encourage me. How you gonna beat that? I've been selling this stuff at the kitchen table for thirty two years starting with Pru and I think LH is terrific.

Where abouts in California are you working?
I spoke with Jack once a few years ago. I told him that I loved the Med Supps they had, but I just couldn't justify selling the high priced final expense. He started a spiel about how great the company was. I told him I thought the company itself was great, but that was no reason to make seniors spend more than they have to.

Then, of course, he tried going into the spiel about "not selling on price". I said, "Well Jack, just wait until your Med Supps have a big rate increase and you start losing them all, then you will see what I mean when I tell you it IS about price in the senior market!"

They didn't stay in the Med Supp market for very long!
I spoke with Jack once a few years ago. I told him that I loved the Med Supps they had, but I just couldn't justify selling the high priced final expense. He started a spiel about how great the company was. I told him I thought the company itself was great, but that was no reason to make seniors spend more than they have to.

Then, of course, he tried going into the spiel about "not selling on price". I said, "Well Jack, just wait until your Med Supps have a big rate increase and you start losing them all, then you will see what I mean when I tell you it IS about price in the senior market!"

They didn't stay in the Med Supp market for very long!

I would hate to see what would happen if they really did realize a lower priced product would work out ok for them. I heard they wrote over 50 million in AP last year.
I sell LH exclusively. Door to door. Weather permitting. If it's under 50 degrees at ten in the morning, I stay inside. I am a Californian y'know. I write 150-200 apps a year. Every morning I'm in the field. I've had appointments over the years with Forethought (good until the funeral guys were sold to the insurance guys), Great Western of Ogden UT (good funeral people). I've found LH home office staff friendly and helpful. Jack Londen taught me a very important lesson in sales management when he called me one morning and told me what I needed to be successful, told me they would be watching me and praying for me. He reached down into the food chain that far to encourage me. How you gonna beat that? I've been selling this stuff at the kitchen table for thirty two years starting with Pru and I think LH is terrific.

^^^^ That sounds like that maybe Alan it??
I saw that but no where in LH's monthly production newsletters have I been able to find his name anywhere with regard to production or persistency.

Then maybe he is not doing what he says? He is an LH agent. He claims to write only LH.

Now that you mention it I don't remember seeing his name anywhere when I had access to the LH boards.

I think he recruits now more than he produces.
I saw that but no where in LH's monthly production newsletters have I been able to find his name anywhere with regard to production or persistency.

I've heard that he doesn't sell LH or very little LH but they paid him to make some sales videos for their sales department.

If you listen to how he talks about LH he says things like "and YOU are working with a quality company at LH". He doesn't say "I am" or "we are" he says ""you are".