Google Page Rank

I heard an SEO specialist (ha whatever that means lol) say that Google PageRank (named after Larry Page) is a way to estimate how likely someone is to find your website if they surf the web by randomly clicking on links. It is more an indication of how many sites are linking to yours than anything else.

I would say that PageRank is more or less an indication of Google's perceived value of your site overall, but not necessarily as it relates to specific keywords.

For example, for the keyword "life insurance", a site about dogs with a PR 6 will always be outranked by a site about life insurance with a PR 0. It's because PageRank doesn't always affect relevance, and Google results are based entirely on relevance. The site with the most perceived relevance (by Google) about "life insurance" is the one Google will display as the #1 result.

In a similar situation, if all other factors are equal, a life insurance website with a PR 6 will always outrank a site with a PR 5. The reason this is not always the case (and you sometimes see lower PR sites outranking higher PR sites) is because there are many other factors that affect relevance.

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What ever happen to agents pushing people to their websites on their own..without hoping someone will find them on google?
PageRank has almost no value. It does value something while you have it. But, PageRank resets on the event of changing domain owner, so buyer, evaluating the value of the domain name, may not take PR into consideration, it will be 0 on upcoming update.
That is really good to hear. Who would of that that the page rank bar has very little importance on where a site is currently ranked at. I have spent to much time checking it everyday. Thank you for that post.
Page Rank does have importance, but only in the right situations. If I write a certain keyword article and place it on a site with a PR4 to 6, page rank becomes important. Immediately, (depending on the term of course,) the PR of the source will push high Google rankings. High Google rankings means higher traffic for that particular keyword phrase.

This is why traffic boosting methods are essential. At a PR4, you start to then get Google positioning power for the keyword phrases that drive customers to your site.

Try to lower your rating, which is largely done by increasing traffic.

Frequently going to and entering your site name will allow you to see what interests your site visitors. Using this and the free SeoQuake tool will reveal where you personally know you need to change to generate traffic.

Hope this helps