Health insurance doubled !

Just to be clear, here is the section on the agent sign up application with Aliera regarding their E&O requirement....

E&O Coverage

Agents are required to have E&O for Unity HealthShare non-insurance products. If you currently carry coverage for non-insurance products please provide the carrier name and policy number below. This does not apply to agents contracted as producers/LOA under their employing Agencies with Aliera. If you do not currently or plan to provide your own E&O then Aliera will provide you a certificate under the Aliera Umbrella at a cost of $150 per annum.

Standard E&O coverage

E&O Coverage *
Yes No E&O Amount *One amount only
ex: 1000000 E&O Expiration There are two payment methods for the policy. In full or three-monthly payments.
Yes No
So we have an insurance agent promoting a non-insurance product. Very ethical.

When the company fails to pay the $5,000 on a $100,000 surgery I hope he loses his license.

My E&O covers insurance products only. Something is very wrong when I'm asked to provide coverage to sell something other than insurance. You know- $hit policies.

I prefer to be peaceable with all men. We are agents and should behave in a professional manner at all times. Why are you using profanity? Our potential clients are reading these comments. You say, how do I sleep at night? Fine.You say, I sell crapy policies. False. You say our potential clients are clueless. False. Poor choice of words. This is what we do to help families.

Episodic Primary Care

First, I sleep fine at night because I focus my energy on helping families. Our clients gain access to Episodic Primary Care. For example, this type of care includes primary care, sick visits, office visits, flu shots, care for infections and other types of treatment.

Urgent Care

Next, I will never sell a policy that is not approved by the state of Georgia. Simply put, I sell alternative health care plans to help families. Our clients get urgent care. The urgent care services are more complex than the services our clients will receive at a doctors office.

Labs & Diagnostics

Then, all primary care physician and urgent care laboratory tests are included in the client's monthly membership fee. Moreover, our clients membership includes over 180 different laboratory tests. For less than a $70 a month, an individual can get 63 preventive health care screenings. The cost for the individual and spouse is $119.00 a month. Our clients families can get the same screenings for $200 a month.

Finally, most physicians will tell us that prevention is the best health care policy. Men often wait until it is too late to get treatment for many reasons. Alternative plans do not replace traditional insurance. It is a low cost method for us to find a way to get affordable health care. To all readers, please be advised that this is not healthcare advice or medical advice. The information is written to inform reader.

Co-Ordination of Benefits
Co-ordination of benefits do not always work to the benefit of the clients. Here is the reason why:
(1) When a person is covered by two or more plans, the rules for determining the order of benefit payments are as follows:
(a) The primary plan must pay or provide its benefits as if the secondary plan or plans did not exist. This is the rule in some states. Therefore, the secondary plan might not be liable for any claim.
Hello. Read that again. If the primary plan pays as if a secondary plan does not exist, it does not mean the client has no deductible, co-insurance, copays etc. The secondary plan then pays its benefits to fill in those gaps. That is fundamental insurance knowledge. I can see why you might need extra E&O coverage for insurance products and "non-insurance" products.

Next, I will never sell a policy that is not approved by the state of Georgia. Simply put, I sell alternative health care plans to help families. Our clients get urgent care. The urgent care services are more complex than the services our clients will receive at a doctors office.

Exactly which state regulatory body approves "alternative health care plans"?

"Methinks thou dost protest too much"

These are not insurance plans, yet you advertise as an insurance consultant. They are not approved by the DOI, because they aren't insurance. When you start using legal language, its obvious that you are covering yourself for the potential claim fallout.
"Methinks thou dost protest too much"

These are not insurance plans, yet you advertise as an insurance consultant. They are not approved by the DOI, because they aren't insurance. When you start using legal language, its obvious that you are covering yourself for the potential claim fallout.

Bobby makes me think of Bobby from King of the Hill. Perhaps it is the avatar, perhaps it is the fact that both are clueless.
If the primary plan pays as if a secondary plan does not exist, it does not mean the client has no deductible, co-insurance, copays etc. The secondary plan then pays its benefits to fill in those gaps. That is fundamental insurance knowledge.

There are quite a few REAL agents who do not understand how COB works.

Thank you for sharing this for those who sell non-insurance products.

obvious that you are covering yourself for the potential claim fallout.

TRYING to cover his butt yet not doing it very well.