Health Insurance Leads

Independence Blue Cross uses the term "subscriber" and "member" as an alternate term.

So is a family of 4 enrolling 4 subscribers?

Target has team members. Is that the same thing?
The term subsciber is applied to the primary insured and the others are listed as spouse and dependents (children). I would assume all are considered members.:1confused:
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I have been using Vimo's exclusive leads and so far nothing. Any suggestions or is it to soon to tell?
Thanks moonlightandmargaritas, I will give it some time with the leads. I notice it's hard to get a hold of some people even though you leave messages and email. I also have had to request credits for disconnected phone numbers and health conditions that would disqualify them.
That is funny. I sell for BCBS. A subscriber is each individual. One family of 4 would be 4 subscribers.

Thanks for the laugh

Russell, does this mean that on a lead where you enroll a family of 4 you have a 400% conversion ratio? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm really wondering if that's how you're breaking down your numbers.

That leads (no pun intended) to the point of my post. I'm interested in what kind of closing ratio a new agent can expect on "exclusive" leads. A lot of numbers have been used, but in many of the posts the poster has not specified what type of lead they are referencing.