Healthcare Sharing Ministries

I'll be sure to share this idiocy with the 12 people in our church bulletin on Sunday requesting prayer for their cancer battle.

Or since I know at least 4 of them are receiving treatment at MD Anderson, should I let them know that if they were using a Christian ministry plan, they would have been turned away at the door?

A Fundamentalist Christian would say that they're getting what they deserve, because somehow they have not followed God's word.
I agree with PostQ. Show me statistics. Those of us who have written group insurance know that Churches, Ministries, and other religious organizations have not been good risks. Before HIPAA laws, when every group could be underwritten, these organizations were either "non-acceptable industires", or automatically rated up, due to the extra risks. Yeah, maternity, but also AIDS, mental/nervous disorders, HBP, Diabetes and more. I had quite a few on the books myself, and I know from personal experience that there were a lot of illnesses behind the scenes, many of which were caused by stress, obesity, and hidden alternative lifestyles.
Every time I read about this plan and the risk that people face by enrolling I cringe at how gullible the public is, just put a religious term in front of something, no matter how bad it is, and people will flock to it.
health sharing uses the law of large numbers to get control of expenses. It is not insurance but a group of people throwing money into a pool that is used to pay members medical bills like insurance would but without the guarantee and ability to cover astronomical claims. They do not offer to do this unless you are a member in good standing so in that sense you continue to pay for the same reason you continue to pay for a health insurance policy namely because if not your policy lapses and you no longer are protected except there is no policy with health sharing it is not insurance there is no promise to pay at all they simply share in medical expenses. Its a philosophy and way of doing things that is totally different than insurance and it is legal under the ACA if your ministry is grand fathered and organized before a certain date.

The health sharing ministry concept is a way to solve the problems we have in America if people looked at it the right way and if they would use reinsurance to have real protection for the rare large cases that drive rates up by using high deductible reinsurance to offset their exposure. Not sure then if that would be legal to do that.

If you find a group of really healthy people and they just accept non smokers and non drinkers then it is a given your claims will probably not be as large so there is some benefit to those who organize in these groups if they are in a large enough group to make the numbers work.

As a health conscious consumer I would be able to opt out by participating in these and if they had a low enough rate less than the penalty I could then buy limited benefit plans for lower cost coverage. I mean if worst comes to worst and I get rated up after having some kind of event that would mean I was trapped I could always get back on an ACA plan right?
Any chance we could get a link to these statistics?
Here's one recent study of many if ya just google it:


A Fundamentalist Christian would say that they're getting what they deserve, because somehow they have not followed God's word.
Apparently you miss the point of grace in the Gospel of Christ? It's not about getting what we deserve it's about getting what we DON'T deserve!


Fostever, I know this is above your pay grade but I will pose it anyway.

How many of the sharing ministries have contracts with providers that include a contractual guarantee to pay the claim?


How many have reserves that are backed by state guaranty funds?

How many have DOI oversight?

OK, None, since it is not insurance. It's a calculated risk that you take. Let me pose this because it's obviously not "above your pay grade," wise one. How is our government still operating? Borrowed $$? When does the ACA implode?:1err:


Every time I read about this plan and the risk that people face by enrolling I cringe at how gullible the public is, just put a religious term in front of something, no matter how bad it is, and people will flock to it.
I cringe more at how gullible people are when they considered another OBAMA term!:no:
Apparently you miss the point of grace in the Gospel of Christ? It's not about getting what we deserve it's about getting what we DON'T deserve!

I cringe more at how gullible people are when they considered another OBAMA term!:no:

Did God not give us what we deserved for 8 years? Mixed bag I suppose. Some prospered immensely. The resorts are packed with Americans enjoying their prosperity. Misery doesn't hear from them, though. They're too busy to post in blogs and forums.