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I'm good with that. Still didn't address the fact you are also cherry-picking where in the country too. Which drove my initial response and I suspect drove Doug's.
Out in corn and wheat country, it is a far different breed than God's waiting room. That is always the danger with blanket statements. It ignores the reality that there are differences. Lots of similarities, but also differences.
As long as I've had any agents under me at all, even before FEX, I've always been clear that I never wanted masses. As a recruiter you should only sign up the guys that you feel have a strong chance of making it. I've always turned away most agents in Florida, California, Georgia and Texas. Part of it is problems with leads. Some of it is a problem with a lot of leads that don't speak English. Our main reason is to turn agents away is that we already have other agents in their territory. It doesn't help anyone to sign they up but then tell them that their lead area is already taken. I'd rather refer them elsewhere.
There are agents that do well in any part of the country. But they have to have leads. And they have to be able to communicate with the people on the lead card. You have to be realistic when you sign the agents up.