- 1,912
NSRH, you are a man of many assumptions. Usually incorrect. Not sure where you are seeing "highest commissions in the industry". Also KSKJ is not our number one. They would likely be if they were in more states. Our business is a nice mix between quite a few companies. We were the #1 IMO's in the nation last year with Oxford and KSKJ which have starting levels of 120% and 100%. But those two combined are only around 25% of our sales volume.
Our agents sell a group of companies. The commissions range from 100% to 125% for ALL 1st day on the job agents. They select the company to sell based on health conditions, underwriting and competiveness of the rates as well as commission level. It's the agent's choice. Not all of our agents choose the same companies.
But even KSKJ at 100% is higher than many agencies have their agents selling far higher priced companies and making only 100% or often less. There is a reason that many agencies don't post their starting level commission grids so that agents can easily see them. And there are numerous stories where agents are not allowed to compare commission levels with other new agents within the agency. They get different commission levels based on how much they educated themselves before contracting. Not good for the agents.
That is the whole point. Agents have a better chance of making with high starting commission levels than they do with lower levels. I'm not sure how this could ever be incorrect. Assuming they have good training, leads and a proven system.
I assumed that KSKJ was your number one carrier, I was incorrect in that, however you've made it clear that they would be if they were in more states. Yet they pay 20% less than many other carriers.
I only point this out to prove that commission is not a "huge" factor in an agents success.
A 20% reduction in commission IS huge. On a modest 100k of placed business in a year thats 20k in commission.
A proven system (regardless of comp) far outweighs actual comp.
I dont know about you, but I've met countless agents and recruiters who have "top contracts" and dont have to pennies to rub together.