How Project 2025 Could Change Medicare....

I see the Republican Mayor of Mesa,Arizona (population half a million) doesn't want T65's auto enrolled....he's endorsing Kamala...

It's a legit mental illness. There isn't a doubt in my mind. They are so beyond obsessed with this effing guy, it's insane.

And then they rip on anyone that votes for him and thinks we're in a "cult" or "Trumptards" or whatever other stupid names they come up with.

I mean, my fellow Americans who happen to be Democrats, do you realize most of us are just voting for policies??

They could run a cantaloupe and I'd vote for it. I was mostly gonna vote for DeSantis. The person doesn't matter. I couldn't care less.

It could be an empty long as the policies were the same I'd still vote for it/that person. You guys are so hung up on people, personalities, and absolutely everything that doesn't matter, it's insane.

Just take an HONEST look at this country right now.....this is good leadership from the Democrat politicians???? In the words of gropin' Joe....."C'mon man.'

In the words of a dying Padme from my favorite movie series...Star Wars....."There's still good in you.....I know....there's still good in you."

I know there's common sense in your brains, buried way down under the Trump Derangement Syndrome. I know it's there.

Do the right thing for your wallets, families, friends, and colleagues. You know that's not Kamala.
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Well the Senate had a bipartisan border bill but...."""Don't Fix Anything"""....that's weird............

You watch all the cable news channels? Good Lord, what a miserable life you must lead. You must be tons of fun at parties.
I haven't consumed ANY cable news since 2016 other than on election nights and then a couple of weeks ago when a liberal tried to assassinate Trump. Life is MUCH better without listening to cable news.
I watch the first the first segment of msnbc,cnn and fox because that pretty much tells you what they think is most important for that show.It is astounding how one channels lead off story is about Jan 6th or the criminal proceeding of the former and possible future president and Fox is about how M&Ms are not sexy anymore. BTW if you think it was a " liberal" who tried to assassinate Fat Don-OLD maybe you should start watching cable news again.The most likely thing that caused him to snap and want to kill someone is being a victim of bullying which Fat Lyin Loophole Weird Don-OLD endorses and promotes.
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You watch all the cable news channels? Good Lord, what a miserable life you must lead. You must be tons of fun at parties.

I watch the first the first segment of msnbc,cnn and fox because that pretty much tells you what they think is most important for that show.It is astounding how one channel might be talking about Jan 6th or the criminal proceeding of the former and possible future president and Fox is talking about how M&Ms are not sexy anymore. BTW if you think it was a " liberal" who tried to assassinate Fat Don-OLD maybe you should start watching cable news again.The most likely thing that caused him to snap and want to kill someone is being a victim of bullying which Fat Lyin Loophole Weird Don-OLD endorses and promotes.
Oh, Ok, so one gets bullied and in your word they are suppose to snap and want to kill someone. Don toys with your sides mind, because your sides policies are so warped. Just look at how things have changed, who would ever imagined men in women's bathrooms or locker rooms, one last thing....If you have kids and want them to grow up in a decent society one better think before they pull the trigger on a voting machine.
Oh, Ok, so one gets bullied and in your word they are suppose to snap and want to kill someone. Don toys with your sides mind, because your sides policies are so warped. Just look at how things have changed, who would ever imagined men in women's bathrooms or locker rooms, one last thing....If you have kids and want them to grow up in a decent society one better think before they pull the trigger on a voting machine.

No i don't have kids and that just another reason i especially hate the neo nazi white christian nationalist hillbilly meth head's son Weirdo JD " I hated you but now love you sir" Vance