How Project 2025 Could Change Medicare....

"Ok, you have all convinced me to change my party and my vote."

The quote above is sarcasm and has never been posted by anyone on this forum over the past 4+ elections.

Move on folks, you will never understand each other's mindset, nor change it, as you will never understand how a liberal thinks.

Imagine how brainwashed this country would be without an alternative voice like Fox. Watch "The Five" if you're not scared of listening to some common sense.
Fox Entertainment? That Fox? The one that used the defense of "nobody would be crazy enough to believe our hyperbole" in their defamation lawsuit? lol
Math class uh? So, my calculator says that means repubs only responsible for 25% of national debt
You're assuming that terms in office is directly proportional to added debt loading, and you are sadly mistaken. But you would know that if you studied a few charts rather than FB memes.