Humana Pulls Plans Effective March 18th

update I got from my Humana rep....."no plans are being removed from sales...just from the quoting as usual on the exchange....if you want to sell off the exchange, call for quotes, or look up rates....and mail/fax paper ap only. Else....all the same as before"

Guess you could read that into the original announcement....but, even broker support was confused when I first spoke to them.

Any other interpretations welcome....but it certainly explains why all the plans are showing on the exchange today.

They are pretty much leaving the IFP market with this announcement

I didn't get this email. I logged in today to quote an SEP client, and all I could see was dental. Not good! Evildoers!


It just says they are pulling the quoter from their website. It looks like you can still quote bronze. They quit paying commissions on silver and gold plans everywhere except Kentucky anyways and Colorado so why would you want to quote it.

And does anyone actually use the carriers quoting tool anyway? Business as usual, nothing to see here

Am I somewhat unusual if I admit I use the carrier quoting tool? Just curious if anyone else uses the carrier quoting tool. Just wondering.
update I got from my Humana rep....."no plans are being removed from sales...just from the quoting as usual on the exchange....

I bet Humana execs are in a circle kicking each other's arse for listing on the Exchange this year. But, off Exchange enrollments are higher-income and healthier! Why pull those plans? Humana is run by imbeciles.