- 4,872
You know that I try to be as impartial as I can. I have never made a statement concerning SL that was false.
According to page 5, of the current SL Agent Manual, it reads verbatim:
Ultimate Preferred Whole Life is offered to people ages 0-85 who have no health issues and who have not used nicotine products in the past 10yrs. We offer this whole life coverage at very reasonable premiums with a face amount range of $10,000 to $30,000. Due to the preferred class of risk, additional underwriting may be required. The following also apply: The applicant must have a checking account;. a primary care physician; and, only one medication per condition accepted. Not available in Minnesota.
Super Preferred Whole Life is offered to people ages 0-85 who have no health issues and who have not used nicotine products in the past 5 yrs with face amounts of $5,000 to $30,000. Due to the preferred class of risk, the following also apply: The applicant must have a checking account; only one medication per condition accepted.
The only difference between the 2 classifications is the length of time the prospect has not smoked and UP requires a PCP.
With the exception of the duration of nicotine usage, why would you say someone who qualifies for super preferred do NOT usually qualify for ultimate preferred?
Is the Agent Manual accurate, or are YOU misleading?
Please clarify.
I'm not misleading at all. See red text above that's the biggest filter between ultimate preferred and super preferred. I advise all my agents to do as I would: If a client appears to qualify for ultimate preferred just write them the next best thing which is super preferred.
Why? Because you get the full commission % on super preferred vs the lower commission on the ultimate preferred...and the difference in premium is only $3.81 in the example in post #36 above. And the super-preferred has a very competitive rate. I know you would disagree as I believe your goal is to save every single nickel you can. My goal is to make every single nickel I can.
The only time I'd use ultimate preferred, as long as proposed insured qualifies, would be if I'm in a price competitive situation and I have to provide the cheapest premium to get the business.
Of course, no matter which plan I write, their policy is still bundled with the legacy-assurance membership ($4 monthly) which provides:
_free hearing exam each year
_discounts on hearing aids
_discounts on diabetic socks
_discounts on diabetic shoes
_telemedicine 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
_one casket + one vault + one monument locked in at $2950 for the rest of the insured's life
_Up to 4 family members are included in the legacy-assurance membership, complete with all the savings as the insured, at no charge!
Another agent could have a monthly premium $50 cheaper and it wouldn't come close to the legacy savings provided to the insured and family. The savings of approx. $4000-$5000 on the casket + vault + monument is like a free $4k-$5k immediate coverage policy on the 4 other family members! The 4 family members can be any age and in any health and still get these savings immediately.
Some of the leads agents visit have plenty of insurance, and don't know why they responded to the ad. It was just some sort of reflexive action. And they will still take out a SL policy, not because they need insurance $$$, but because they want the legacy savings on them and 4 family members. That's one reason that Sr Life agents will pick an extra sale here and there that other agents would miss.
So if you are really that concerned with saving Ms. Jones every nickel you can you would contract with Sr Life so you could provide the legacy savings to the people. After all we just showed up above that legacy's savings will provide a lot more savings to Ms. Jones than that $50 per month cheaper premium would.