- 4,872
I don't have any problem with any of it other than the, "I am not a salesman"....That part just is not a true statement. IMHO.. You may not be a high pressure sales man but you are a salesman. Good salesmen are the ones who assist people in determining what THEY want and helping THEM get it.. But, they are still salesmen.
I conduct myself more as a provider of information. At least that is how I try to do it. If they like my information and want to enroll then I'll help them. If they don't like the info then I get referrals if possible and go hunting the next "yes". I don't try to assist people in determining what they want. I share the info with them and let them pick what they want. They have to feel it's their decision....that's basic sales 101...lol. Remember no one likes to be sold but people love to buy.
Mapped out leads are the path I follow throughout the week. Along that path I'll find some ripe fruit and I'll also find some poison ivy. I'm only looking for the ripe fruit and not waste any time trying to turn poison ivy into fresh fruit. I also don't try to waste too much time with the poison ivy because if it gets on me I'll be miserable and it'll carry over to the next few presentations. Without the leads I don't have a path to follow, which means I'm only stumbling around lost....lol.