Reading this thread, I fail to see where this guy is at fault? Oh, he is definitely a blowhard, but I don't see where he caused this problem.
It appears the app was properly filled out, that is about the extent of his responsibility. It is the agent's job to know where to place the business. If the insured is expected to know that, then what is the point of an agent? Also, before any one gets on a high horse chastising the insured about reading the app, how many people really read the application? Most people just expect the agent to fill it out and that it was done properly.
Volagent, Tower Hill's application asks for number of units, if the agent put in the correct answer, an error message would pop up and say this risk is ineligible for coverage. So someone is to blame. Tower Hill doesn't just appoint any agent with a license, they are VERY strict. They will terminate an appointment very quickly, and this would get an agents appointment terminated, so I have a feeling the insured (AKA the OP) lied on the app (why would the agent put his appointment at risk with one of the best carriers in the state?) Tower Hill has changed their guidelines quite a bit over the last few years, but they notify us of all changes, and their system is updated and won't let us continue if it doesn't fit their guidelines.