There was a trainer that I had back in 2004, that claimed when someone would say that, and he was in their home, he would say ok, then go sit on the couch in the other room...The prospects would ask him what he was doing, and he would say I'm sitting here until you discuss it...Claims it worked like a charm
"Do you know the present value of your husband's policy?" the life insurance salesman asked his client. "What do you mean?" countered the woman. "If you should lose your husband, what would you get?" asked the salesman. The woman thought a minute, then brightened up and said, "Probably a poodle."
I wonder how much it costs to create a picture with each prospect that didn't buy and send them a follow up letter, or to take with you as an ace if they decide not to.
Its all on how you present it. If someone's not gonna buy, whats the harm in pulling out a pic and say, "i didn't want to show you this, but by delaying this important and inevitable planning step, you run the risk of this happening..."
I would so do that, and I will stare him down and let him know I take this seriously. If he sees how its important to me, he might just understand it enough to go for it. If not, its ok, I had nothing to lose.
After the prospect has rebuffed all advances for closing the deal and still wants to think it over.... How about a poster board with that scipt on it, that you could ask them to hold, sort of under their chin like a mug shot, and attempt to snap their picture. When they protest or ask you what you are doing? Reply that you've had a few of decendants children angry with you that Mom/Dad didn't take out the life insurance plan, and this way you document that at least you tried, in case their kids ever ask. [hardcore] But if you aren't going to get the sale what diff does it make? This is in the category of pulling out all the stops.