Correction...John Galt found the guy and I wasted the $200 on the leads...I'm a sucker, what can I say
Yea, but what you dont know is that I already tried internet FE leads back in September of 2013. Remember, neither of us knew that guy was selling you old internet leads until you had got about 10 of them this year
Thank you for posting the update Steve, you testing these has been great for me. I also heard back from the agent in CA who I delivered a lead to today and he said the person wants a FE plan and he is meeting with them soon. I am very pleased with my initial testing and cant wait to move forward with this and hopefully change the perception on what people call 'internet leads' around here.
OK Im game, anything available in the southeast, Georgia Id be interested to test. If you are on to something people will sit up and long as the ROI is there and the leads are manageable as far as costs are concerned, good for you if you can do that.