Internet Marketing for part time agents

Rick, I sense anger issues. Take a deep breath, bro.

Fisher, if you look at Rick's pictures for his insurance commissioner campaign, you will see a gentleman who is reserved and laid back. Wait a minute, maybe his problem is that he hasn't gotten laid!:goofy:

P.S. I love you and your sense of humor Rick, in spite of what Al says.
I have to agree with most of the other "posters" here that doing that type of work part-time is a bad idea particularly in that area of insurance. As someone said, people want to know their agent is there for them long term. You can't just "give it a shot" and see how it works.

If you want to give something a shot, you might want to work with me in marketing pre-paid legal services. The cost to start is way less than you putting a website together for this "adventure" and you wouldn't have to worry about actually handling any maintenance of the policy. And if it doesn't work, you haven't really lost anything and you're not hurting anyone. If you want to consider that opportunity, take a look at my signature and be on one of the conference calls so you can hear about it for yourself.
If you want to give something a shot, you might want to work with me in marketing pre-paid legal services.

I give this jimmer about 12 more hours before she gets banned for all the jim. (Gotta watch how I type that!)

But I have to admit, she's good. She's still jimming us, but she's pretty good at it.

You mean they have not let know about the skype PPL call yet. You must be one of the lower tear agents. PM and I will give you a headup.

If you want to consider that opportunity, take a look at my signature and be on one of the conference calls so you can hear about it for yourself.